Abd-Beltaji / Ionic-vite

A boilerplate for android development using ionic-react with vite.

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About ℹ:

A boilerplate for android develeopment with ionic with a default tabs template as an example.

Used technologies:

  • Vite
  • Ionic
  • React-TS(v18)
  • Capacitor(android)
  • yarn
  • PostCSS
  • Tailwindcss
  • Typescript paths
  • react-router-dom(v5.3.3)

! Could'nt use react-router-dom@6 since a required package (@ionic/react-router) is not updated to use v6 yet.

Usage: 📃

To use this boilerplate configuration, run the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/Abd-Beltaji/Ionic-vite.git
cd ./ionic-vite
yarn cap:android

Scripts: 📜

Usage: yarn SCRIPT or npm run SCRIPT

  • dev: Run the development server for the application.
  • pre-build: A script that will automatically run before the project build, it deletes the remains of previous builds if exists.
  • build: Generate a build verion of the application (a web version still).
  • preview: Runs vite preview script.


  • android:pre-build: A script that will automatically run before the project build, it deletes the remains of previous android builds if exists.
  • android:build: Generate an android project from the current vite build that can be opened with something like Android Studio or run directly into an emulator or connected device.
  • android:run: Runs the current application into an emulator or a connected android device.
  • android:open: Opens the generated android application project into a suitable development environment (Android Studio).


  • cap:android: Automates the processes of loading the application into a desired target, will build a vite version of the project then generate the android build using capacitor and finally, it'll run the generated application.

Typescript path aliases: 🗺

This configuration contains predefined path aliases that route to certain locations, they are defined inside tsconfig.paths.json, you can add or modify them as your project requires.

Path-aliase Routes to:
@components src/components/
@pages src/pages/
@styles src/styles/
@assets src/assets/
@hooks src/hooks/


A boilerplate for android development using ionic-react with vite.


Language:SCSS 53.6%Language:TypeScript 39.3%Language:HTML 2.7%Language:CSS 2.4%Language:JavaScript 2.0%