Aarush-Goyal / NarutoMeow

Trying to build a fun discord bot πŸ˜„

Home Page:https://discord.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=808017136563257404&scope=bot&permissions=2147483647

Repository from Github https://github.comAarush-Goyal/NarutoMeowRepository from Github https://github.comAarush-Goyal/NarutoMeow

Naruto Meow


You should have a discord developer account

Setting up the development environment

  1. Fork the repo

  2. Clone the repo

    git clone https://www.github.com/<your username>/NarutoMeow.git
  3. Install the packages required

    pipenv install
  4. Setup the .env file

    TOKEN=<your token>
    WELCOME_MESSAGE_CHANNEL_ID=<your channel id>
    PREFIX=<your prefix>
  5. Activate the shell

    pipenv shell
  6. Run the bot

     python main.py

Setting up docker

  1. The build command
    docker-compose up

Use the given cron to take care of the zombie processes spun up by puppeteer

crontab -e
# kill zombies
* * * * * kill -9 `ps -xaw -o state -o ppid | grep Z | grep -v PID | awk '{print $2}'`


Trying to build a fun discord bot πŸ˜„


License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:JavaScript 78.8%Language:Shell 12.4%Language:Dockerfile 8.7%