- Is virus and malware free
- Uses the latest, stable, updated version of its operating system
- Has a functioning screen, keyboard, and trackpad
- Has plenty of free hard drive space and memory
- Can reliably connect to wireless networks
Following completion of these Pre-work assignments, you should:
- Have a colorized terminal with a Git compatible prompt
- Be able to open files in Sublime Text via the Terminal
- Be able to receive a valid response when typing "git --version"
To test out of the workshop, you will need to complete this assignment. Completion of this assignment, whether independently or at the workshop, is due before the start of your Code Fellows course.
Demonstrate the following skills using only your Terminal, your text editor, and your web browser.
For example, codefellows
For example, codefellows/unix_notes.txt
For example,
cd <path> Changes the working directory to <path>
ls <path> Lists the directory content of <path>
For example, codefellows/git_notes.txt
For example,
git add <file> Adds any changes inside <file> to the staging area
git commit -m '<message>' Commits the staging area to the repository with a <message>