#Basic HTTP Server
##To Submit this Assignment
- fork this repository
- write all of your code in a folder containing your name
- push to your repository
- submit a pull request to this repository
- submit a link to your PR in canvas
For this assignment you should write an http server in vanilla node that responds to several different routes.
The server should respond to a request to /time that will send back the current time of the server.
It should also respond to a get request to /greet/name where name is any single word string. It should send back a string that greets that name.
It should also have a separate post request to /greet that takes the name in JSON format.
There should be tests using chaiHTTP for both routes, as well as a Gruntfile/package.json
- Tests: 4pts
- Routes: 4pts
- Organization and gulpfile/package.json 2pts