AaronDovTurkel / ArchMatic

Arch Linux post-installation setup and config scripts

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ADT's ArchMatic Installer Script

This README contains the steps I do to install and configure a fully-functional Arch Linux installation containing a desktop environment, all the support packages (network, bluetooth, audio, printers, etc.), along with all my preferred applications and utilities. The shell scripts in this repo allow the entire process to be automated.)

Setup Boot and Arch ISO on USB key

First, setup the boot USB, boot arch live iso, and connect to wifi with iwctl[1].

Arch Live ISO (Pre-Install)

This step installs arch to your hard drive. IT WILL FORMAT THE DISK. After connecting to the internet run pacman -Syyy. If no erros occur you are connected to the internet and you can continue.

git clone https://github.com/aarondovturkel/archmatic

Arch Linux First Boot

Connect to the internet with nmcli[2].

pacman -S --no-confirm pacman-contrib curl git
mkdir scripts
cd scripts
git clone https://github.com/aarondovturkel/archmatic
cd archmatic

Don't just run these scripts. Examine them. Customize them. Create your own versions.

System Description

This runs BSPWM with default config.

This boots with gruband partitions the disk in three: 500M for kernel, 30G for root, and rest for home.

I also install the LTS Kernel along side the rolling one, and configure my bootloader to offer both as a choice during startup. This enables me to switch kernels in the event of a problem with the rolling one.

Troubleshooting Arch Linux

Arch Linux Installation Guide

No Wifi - preinstall [1]

station *device* connect *SSID*

No Wifi - first boot [2]

nmcli device wifi connect *SSID* password *PASSWORD*


Arch Linux post-installation setup and config scripts


Language:Shell 100.0%