AaronCrvl / ForumWars

Forum app made with Blazor Server (.NET SSR) and Razor pages.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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This application allows the user to create open discussions and interact with other users' discussions.

This project is being made using the Blazor Server App of the .NET platform. Blazor is a framework for creating an interactive client-side web UI with .NET, this is the .NET tool that uses SSR(Server Side Rendering) together with razor html, a syntax that combines C#, HTML, Javascript and CSS in addition to having all .NET support in its structure.

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Forum app made with Blazor Server (.NET SSR) and Razor pages.


Language:CSS 61.2%Language:HTML 21.3%Language:C# 17.5%