AamirSohailKmAs / coinremitter-laravel

coinremitter sdk for laravel

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CoinRemitter plugin for Laravel

Coinremitter is a crypto payment processor. Accept Bitcoin, Tron, Binance (BEP20), BitcoinCash, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin, USDTERC20, USDTTRC20, Dash, Monero etc.

What is the Crypto Payment Processor?

The Crypto Payment Processor acts as a mediator between merchants and customers, allowing the merchant to receive payments in the form of cryptocurrency.

Installation guide:

You can install Coinremitter’s plugin using the composer in Laravel:

composer require coinremitter/laravel

Register service provider to your config/app.php like below :

Add Coinremitter\CoinremiterServiceProvider::class line at the bottom in the providers array

'providers' => [

Publish the configuration file to the config folder using the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Coinremitter\CoinremiterServiceProvider"

Set credentials of all coins which you want to use from coinremitter in config/coinremitter.php like this:

If this file does not exist then create and set configuration like this. How to get API key and Password ?

Note: Include specific coins in coinremitter.php that you wish to utilize in your system.

return [

Usage of the library:

You have to include the namespace of the package wherever you want to use this library like this:

use Coinremitter\Coinremitter;

after using name space you can access all the methods of library by creating object of class like,

$btc_wallet = new Coinremitter('BTC');

Here "BTC" must be in config/coinremitter.php file array.

Get balance

You can get the balance of your wallet using the get_balance call.

$balance = $btc_wallet->get_balance();

This will return either a success response or an error response if something went wrong.The success response is as shown below:

    "flag": 1,
    "msg": "Get balance successfully",
    "action": "get-balance",
    "data": {
        "balance": 0.2457,
        "wallet_name": "my-wallet",
        "coin_name": "Bitcoin"

Create a new wallet address

You can get a new wallet address using the following method:

$address = $btc_wallet->get_new_address();

Success response :

    "flag": 1,
    "msg": "New address created successfully .",
    "action": "get-new-address",
    "data": {
        "address": "MMtU5BzKcrewdTzru9QyT3YravQmzokh",
        "label": "",
        "qr_code": "https://coinremitter.com/qr/btc/image.png"

Also, you can assign a label to your address with a passing parameter to the get_new_address method like this:

$param = [
$address = $btc_wallet->get_new_address($param);

The response will add the given label at the label key.

    "flag": 1,
    "msg": "New address created successfully .",
    "action": "get-new-address",
    "data": {
        "address": "MMtU5BzKcrewdTzru9QyT3YravQmzokh",
        "label": "my-label",
        "qr_code": "https://coinremitter.com/qr/btc/image.png"

Validate wallet address

For validation of the wallet address, use the following method:

$param = [

$validate = $btc_wallet->validate_address($param);

response :

    "flag": 1,
    "msg": "Success !",
    "action": "validate-address",
    "data": {
        "valid": true

Withdraw amount

To withdraw the amount to a specific address the following method will be used:

$param = [
$withdraw = $btc_wallet->withdraw($param);

Success response:

    "flag": 1,
    "msg": "Amount Successfully Withdraw.",
    "action": "withdraw",
    "data": {
        "id": "5b5ff10a8ebb830edb4e2a22",
        "txid": "1147aca98ced7684907bd469e80f7482f40a1aaf75c1e55f7a60f725ba28",
        "explorer_url": "http://btc.com/exp/1147aca98ced7684907bd469e80f7482f40a1aaf75c1e55f7a60f725ba28",
        "amount": 0.0001,
        "transaction_fees": "0.00002000",
        "processing_fees": "0.00460000",
        "total_amount": "0.00472",
        "to_address": "MLjDMFsobgk9Etj8KUKSpmHM6qG2qFK",
        "wallet_id": "5c42a0ab846fe75142cfb2",
        "wallet_name": "my-wallet",
        "coin_short_name": "BTC",
        "date": "2019-06-02 01:02:03"

The dates received in the response are in the UTC format.

Get transaction

Retrieve transaction information using the ID received from the "withdraw amount" response's ID or from the "id" field in the webhook using the following method.

$param = [
$transaction = $btc_wallet->get_transaction($param);

Success response:

    "flag": 1,
    "msg": "success",
    "action": "get-transaction",
    "data": {
        "id": "5b5ff10a8ebb830edb4e2a22",
        "txid": "1147aca98ced7684907bd469e80cdf7482fe740a1aaf75c1e55f7a60f725ba28",
        "explorer_url": "http://btc.com/exp/1147aca98ced7684907bd469e80cdf7482fe740a1aaf75c1e55f7a60f725ba28",
        "type": "receive",
        "merchant_id": "5bc46fb28ebb8363d2657347",
        "coin_short_name": "BTC",
        "wallet_id": "5c42ea0ab846fe751421cfb2",
        "wallet_name": "wallet_name",
        "address": "QYTZkkKz7n1sMuphtxSPdau6BQthZfpnZC",
        "amount": 0.0003,
        "confirmations": 3,
        "date": "2018-08-15 15:10:42"

if reponse data object contains type is equal to send then the response will be given as shown below:

    "flag": 1,
    "msg": "success",
    "action": "get-transaction",
    "data": {
        "id": "5b5ff10a8ebb830edb4e2a22",
        "txid": "1147aca98ced7684907bd469e80cdf7482fe740a1aaf75c1e55f7a60f725ba28",
        "explorer_url": "http://btc.com/exp/1147aca98ced7684907bd469e80cdf7482fe740a1aaf75c1e55f7a60f725ba28",
        "type": "send",
        "merchant_id": "5bc46fb28ebb8363d2657347",
        "coin_short_name": "BTC",
        "wallet_id": "5c42ea0ab846fe751421cfb2",
        "wallet_name": "wallet_name",
        "address": "QYTZkkKz7n1sMuphtxSPdau6BQthZfpnZC",
        "amount": 0.0003,
        "confirmations": 3,
        "date": "2018-08-15 15:10:42",
        "transaction_fees": 0.001,
        "processing_fees": 0.1,
        "total_amount": "2.10100000"

The dates received in the response are in the UTC format.

Get Transaction By The Address

Get the transaction using the address received using the following method:

$param = [
    'address' => 'MLjDMFsob8gk9EX6tj8KUKSpmHM6qG2qFK',
$invoice = $btc_wallet->get_transaction_by_address($param);

Success response :

    "flag": 1,
    "msg": "success",
    "action": "get-transaction-by-address",
    "data": [
            "id": "5b7650458ebb8306365624a2",
            "txid": "7a6ca109c7c651f9b70a7d4dc8fa77de322e420119c5d2470bce7f08ba0cd1d6",
            "explorer_url": "http://coin-explorer-url/exp/7a6ca109c7c651f9b70a7d4dc8fa7...",
            "merchant_id": "5bc46fb28ebb8363d2657347",
            "type": "receive",
            "coin_short_name": "BTC",
            "wallet_id": "5c42ea0ab846fe751421cfb2",
            "wallet_name": "my-wallet",
            "address": "MLjDMFsob8gk9EX6tj8KUKSpmHM6qG2qFK",
            "amount": "2",
            "confirmations": 3,
            "date": "2018-08-17 10:04:13"
            "id": "23sdew232158ebb8306365624a2",
            "txid": "7a6ca109c7c651f9b70fdgfg44er34re7de322e420119c5d2470bce7f08ba0cd1d6",
            "explorer_url": "http://coin-explorer-url/exp/2322ereer344c7c651f9b70a7d4dc8fa7...",
            "merchant_id": "3434df4w28ebb8363d2657347",
            "type": "receive",
            "coin_short_name": "BTC",
            "wallet_id": "5c42ea0ab846fe751421cfb2",
            "wallet_name": "my-wallet",
            "address": "MLjDMFsob8gk9EX6tj8KUKSpmHM6qG2qFK",
            "amount": "1",
            "confirmations": 2,
            "date": "2018-08-17 10:05:13"

The dates received in the response are in the UTC format.

Create Invoice

You can create an invoice using the following method:

$param = [
    'amount'=>"15",      //required.
    'notify_url'=>'https://yourdomain.com/notify-url', //optional,url on which you wants to receive notification,
    'fail_url' => 'https://yourdomain.com/fail-url', //optional,url on which user will be redirect if user cancel invoice,
    'suceess_url' => 'https://yourdomain.com/success-url', //optional,url on which user will be redirect when invoice paid,
    'name'=>'random name',//optional,
    'expire_time'=>'20',//optional, invoice will expire in 20 minutes.

$invoice  = $btc_wallet->create_invoice($param);

Success response:

    "flag": 1,
    "msg": "success",
    "action": "create-invoice",
    "data": {
        "id": "5de7ab46b846fe6aa15931b2",
        "invoice_id": "BTC122",
        "merchant_id": "5bc46fb28ebb8363d2657347",
        "url": "https://coinremitter.com/invoice/5de7ab46b846fe6aa15931b2",
        "total_amount": {
            "BTC": "0.00020390",
            "USD": "2.21979838"
        "paid_amount": [],
        "usd_amount": "2.21979838",
        "conversion_rate": {
            "USD_BTC": "0.00009186",
            "BTC_USD": "10886.83"
        "base_currency": "USD",
        "coin": "BTC",
        "name": "random name",
        "description": "",
        "wallet_name": "my-wallet",
        "address": "QbrhNkto3732i36NYmZUNwCo4gvTJK3992",
        "status": "Pending",
        "status_code": 0,
        "notify_url": "http://yourdomain.com/notify-url",
        "suceess_url": "http://yourdomain.com/success-url",
        "fail_url": "http://yourdomain.com/fail-url",
        "expire_on": "2019-12-04 18:39:10",
        "invoice_date": "2019-12-04 18:19:10",
        "custom_data1": "",
        "custom_data2": "",
        "last_updated_date": "2019-12-04 18:19:10"

The dates received in the response are in the UTC format.

Get Invoice

Get invoice details using invoice_id received using the following method:

$param = [
$invoice = $btc_wallet->get_invoice($param);

Success response:

    "flag": 1,
    "msg": "success",
    "action": "get-invoice",
    "data": {
        "id": "5b7650458ebb8306365624a2",
        "invoice_id": "BTC02",
        "merchant_id": "5bc46fb28ebb8363d2657347",
        "url": "https://coinremitter.com/invoice/5b7650458ebb8306365624a2",
        "total_amount": {
            "BTC": "0.00020390",
            "USD": "2.21979838"
        "paid_amount": {
            "BTC": "0.00020000",
            "USD": "2.167729279"
        "usd_amount": "2.21979838",
        "conversion_rate": {
            "USD_BTC": "0.00009186",
            "BTC_USD": "10886.83"
        "base_currency": "USD",
        "coin": "BTC",
        "name": "random name",
        "description": "",
        "wallet_name": "my-wallet",
        "address": "QbrhNkto3732i36NYmZUNwCo4gvTJK3992",
        "payment_history": [
                "txid": "c4b853d4be7586798870a4aa766e3bb781eddb24aaafd81da8f66263017b872d",
                "explorer_url": "http://btc.com/exp/c4b853d4be7586798870a4aa766e3bb781eddb24aaafd81da8f66263017b872d",
                "amount": "0.0001",
                "date": "2019-12-04 18:21:05",
                "confirmation": 781
                "txid": "a2541253ab72d7cf29f2f9becb1e31320dd0ed418f761ab1973dc9e412a51c7f",
                "explorer_url": "http://btc.com/exp/a2541253ab72d7cf29f2f9becb1e31320dd0ed418f761ab1973dc9e412a51c7f",
                "amount": "0.0001",
                "date": "2019-12-04 18:22:23",
                "confirmation": 778
        "status": "Under Paid",
        "status_code": 2,
        "wallet_id": "6347e0e9f4efc676380afde7",
        "suceess_url": "http://yourdomain.com/success-url",
        "fail_url": "http://yourdomain.com/fail-url",
        "notify_url": "http://yourdomain.com/notify-url",
        "expire_on": "2019-12-04 18:39:10",
        "invoice_date": "2019-12-04 18:19:10",
        "custom_data1": "",
        "custom_data2": "",
        "last_updated_date": "2019-12-04 18:22:23"

The dates received in the response are in the UTC format.

Get Live Coin Price in USD

Get the rate of the using the following method:

$rate = $btc_wallet->get_coin_rate();

Success response :

    "flag": 1,
    "msg": "success",
    "action": "get-coin-rate",
    "data": {
        "BTC": {
            "symbol": "BTC",
            "name": "Bitcoin",
            "price": 10886.83
        "LTC": {
            "symbol": "LTC",
            "name": "Litecoin",
            "price": 47
        "DOGE": {
            "symbol": "DOGE",
            "name": "DogeCoin",
            "price": 235.26

Get Crypto Rate

Get the crypto rate using fiat_symbol and fiat_amount received using the following method :

$param = [
    'fiat_symbol' => 'USD',
    'fiat_amount' => 1
$invoice = $btc_wallet->get_fiat_to_crypto_rate($param);

Success response :

    "flag": 1,
    "msg": "success",
    "action": "get-fiat-to-crypto-rate",
    "data": {
        "crypto_amount": "0.02123593",
        "crypto_symbol": "BTC",
        "crypto_currency": "Bitcoin",
        "fiat_amount": "1",
        "fiat_symbol": "USD"

For further reference please visit our api documentation


coinremitter sdk for laravel

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%