AV4TAr / consumer-centric-api-design

"Consumer-Centric API Design" An open book

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Consumer-Centric API Design

This is a book I started writing in early 2014 (January 1st, according to the commit history). My goal is to eventually get it published (either self-published or through a publisher) and sell copies. One might think making content freely available while also planning on selling it would be disasterous, but hey, if it works for Trent Reznor surely it can work for me.

Currently the book weighs in at about 55 pages. I like to think of it as covering content in a concise manner, but I'm sure it really just needs more content ;). I'd like to hit at least 100 pages, though that's not to say content needs to be watered down to fill more space.

Downloading PDFs

Download Book Builds Here


If you'd like to see more topics covered in this book, submit an issue with your question and I'll either research and write up some content, ask for clarification, or possibly close the issue if it feels too outside the scope of the book.

If you'd like to write content for the book, submit a pull request and I'll check it out (contact me beforehand just to make sure the topic you write about is something that'll fit into the scope of the book). When this happens, I'll come up with some sort of system for keeping track of contributors, and probably have a dedicated page in the book itself. Content submitted in this manner will be given the once over by yours-truly to ensure consistency in writing style.

Of course, any contributions made to this book will give me (and whatever publisher I go with) non-exclusive rights to do whatever we want with it. Sorry, legal stuff.

Installing LaTeX

If you use OS X, there's a convenient package you can install called MacTeX. There's also a homebrew cask you can tap, but in the background it grabs that same package.

If you're using a Debian-based linux distribution (e.g. Ubuntu), run the following command:

sudo apt-get install texlive

Building the Book

Once you have LaTeX run the following command from within the book directory:


The book will be named something like "Consumer-Centric API Design vX.Y.Z.pdf".


Donations help fund the time I've spent on the project (as well as validate I should keep going).



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  • Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
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"Consumer-Centric API Design" An open book
