To be able to follow the workshop exercises, you are going to need a laptop with Anaconda and several Python packages installed. Following instruction are geared for Mac or Ubuntu linux users.
Please go to the following website: download and install the latest Anaconda version for Python 2.7 (or Python 3) for your operating system.
Note: we are going to need Anaconda 4.1.x or later (the current latest is 5.0.0)
After that, type:
conda --help
and read the manual.
Once Anaconda is ready, checkout the course repository and and proceed with setting up the environment:
git clone
If you do not have git and do not wish to install it, just download the repository as zip, and unpack it:
#For Mac users:
#curl -O
Change into the course folder, then type:
#cd PythonWorkshop
conda create --name PythonWorkshop --file requirements.txt
source activate PythonWorkshop
All of the third-part Python packages should be installed by conda. Some packages might cause installation errors depending on your OS. If this happens, select a binary and install protobufs, and TensorFlow. For this workshop, we will use CPU-only version of Tensorflow (feel free to use GPU version, if your laptop has a GPU).
Mac users:
#source activate PythonWorkshop
pip install --user --upgrade protobuf
pip install --user --upgrade $TF_BINARY_URL
pip install --user --upgrade Pillow
Ubuntu linux users:
sudo apt-get install --user python-pip python-dev python-matplotlib
sudo pip install --user --upgrade $TF_BINARY_URL
sudo pip install --user --upgrade Pillow
Test the installation was succesfull, launch the Jupyter notebook
jupyter notebook
create a new notebook selecting the Python kernel using your anaconda environment from the upper right dropdown menu, and type:
In [1]: import tensorflow as tf
Out[1]: 1.0.0
Change to the the repository folder, switch to the Spring2017
local branch, and start interactive jupyter (ipython) notebook:
cd PythonWorkshop
jupyter notebook
After the notebook is opened, navigate to the workshop folder and open the 1.PythonBasics.ipynb from the browser window.