A Simple Audio Player
To be uploaded
- We first create our track we can use a track over the internet and stream it using the streamURL
let trackTitle = "Venom"
let artistName = "Eminem"
let streamURL = "https://your-song-url-here".url!
let imageURL = "https://your-image-url-here".url!
let track = Track(title: trackTitle,
imageURL: imageURL,
artistName: artistName,
streamURL: streamURL)
or we can use a downloaded track and run it from the fileURL
let trackTitle = "Venom"
let artistName = "Eminem"
let streamURL = "https://your-song-url-here".url!
let fileURL = "file://your-song-url-here".url!
let imageURL = "https://your-image-url-here".url!
let track = Track(title: trackTitle,
imageURL: imageURL,
artistName: artistName,
streamURL: streamURL,
fileURL: fileURL)
- then we setup our PlayerView in our VC over whatever view,
I'm using a TabBarController in this example so am setting it above the tabBar
Import ARSoundPlayer
let playerDetailsView = PlayerDetailsView.initFromNib(with: track)
playerDetailsView.setupPlayerDetailsView(in: self, below: self.tabBarController?.tabBar)
then launching/minimzing the player is as easy as...
put these 2 lines at the top of your podfile
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
source 'https://github.com/ARamy23/ARSoundPlayerPodSpecs'
and then
pod 'ARSoundPlayer', '~> 0.1.4'