ARTM2000 / finnotech-easy

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project/package is to make use of Finnotech open api easier in nodejs projects.

Table of Content


Using npm:

$ npm i ""


import Finnotech, { SCOPES } from 'finnotech-easy';

const finnotechServices = new Finnotech({
    clientId: 'myAppName', 
    clientSecret: 'myAppClientSecret',
    nid: 'nationalIdentity', // for app members
    getAccessToken: async (fullScopeName) => {
        // process to get require access token by scope name
        return 'accessToken';
    getRefreshToken: async (fullScopeName) => {
        // process to get require refresh token by scope name
        return 'refreshToken';
    setTokens: async (tokenData) => {
        const { 
        } = tokenData;
        // do store token process here...

const { TokenService, OakService } = finnotechServices;

const getIbanInquiryInfo = async (iban) => {
    try {
        // get token for require scopes. this function finally call setTokens.
        await TokenService.getClientCredentialToken([

        // finally call ibanInquiry service
        const result = await OakService.ibanInquiry({ iban });
    } catch (err) {


Initialization config

Name Type Description
clientId string The clientId or app name of your confirmed application - شناسه اپلیکیشن
clientSecret string The app secret password - گذرواژه
nid string national identity of a app member that have access to call service
getAccessToken Function An asynchronous or synchronous function which will receive fullScopeName as props and expect to get access token for service call. This function call before each service call
getRefreshToken Function An asynchronous or synchronous function which will receive fullScopeName as props and expect to get refresh token if service receive invalid token response.
setTokens Function An asynchronous or synchronous function which will receive tokenData as props which contain token information (accessToken, refreshToken, lifeTime, scopes, tokenType). Use this function to store tokens that will receive
useSandBox boolean Optional. If you want to use sandbox version of finnotech api, bass true otherwise it's not required




For get client-credentials token for its scope(s) (document page). This function just receive an array of client-credentials scope names. This function finally call setTokens e.g.

TokenService.getClientCredentialToken([ ]); // return Promise<void>

Oak - Deposit base services

ibanInquiry - استعلام شماره شبا

For iban inquiry service (document page). e.g.

OakService.ibanInquiry({ iban: 'IRxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' }); // return Promise<IFinnotechIbanInquiryResponse>

groupIbanInquiry - استعلام شبا گروهی

For group iban inquiry service (document page):

  • submit group iban inquiry:
    OakService.submitGroupIbanInquiry({ file: 'csv buffer or base64 content' }); // return Promise<IFinnotechSubmitGroupIbanInquiryResponse>
  • get result of group iban inquiry:
    OakService.getResultOfGroupIbanInquiry({ inquiryTrackId: 'submit track id' }); // return Promise<string>
  • retry group iban inquiry request:
    OakService.retryGroupIbanInquiry({ inquiryTrackId: 'submit track id' }); // return Promise<IFinnotechSubmitGroupIbanInquiryResponse>

cardBalance - دریافت موجودی بن کارت

For card balance service (document page). e.g.

OakService.cardBalance({ card: '6362142376876523' }); // return Promise<IFinnotechCardBalanceResponse>

cardStatement - دریافت گردش بن کارت

For card statement service (document page). e.g.

    card: '6362142376876523',
    fromDate: '990421', // optional
    toDate: '991021', // optional
}); // return Promise<IFinnotechCardStatementResponse>

depositToIban - تبدیل شماره حساب به شبا

For deposit to iban service (document page). e.g.

    deposit: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
    bank: '10', // from document
}); // return Promise<IFinnotechDepositToIbanResponse>

cifInquiry - استعلام شماره مشتری

For cif inquiry service (document page). e.g.

OakService.cifInquiry({ nid: '1234567890' }); // return Promise<IFinnotechCifInquiryResponse>

shahabInquiry - استعلام کد شهاب

For shahab inquiry service (document page). e.g.

    nid: '1234567890',
    birthData: '13790430',
}); // return Promise<IFinnotechShahabInquiryResponse>

Credit - Credit base services

facilityInquiry - استعلام تسهیلات

For facility inquiry service (document page). e.g.

CreditService.facilityInquiry({ nid: 'xxxxxxxxxx' }); // return Promise<IFinnotechFacilityInquiryResponse>

backChequeInquiry - استعلام چک برگشتی

For backCheque inquiry service (document page). e.g.

CreditService.backChequeInquiry({ nid: 'xxxxxxxxxx' }); // return Promise<IFinnotechBackChequeInquiryResponse>


  • Client-Credentials token
  • Oak only Client-Credentials services
  • Credit only Client-Credentials services
  • Utility and Convert services
  • Open account list services
  • General inquiry services
  • Wallet services
  • Authorization-Code token
  • Authorization-SMS token
  • Oak Authorization-Code services
  • Credit Authorization-SMS services
  • Service call inquiry list - wages
  • Get list of tokens
  • Revoke token



Language:TypeScript 100.0%