ARKA1112 / SSH_COnn

Helper Files for IDC + Important resource for ssh connection

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Batch Mode Access to PVC-Enabled SPR Systems in the Intel® Developer Cloud (IDC)

This file can be read online (with drawings and pictures) at

Use if you are blocked from the tinyurl redirect.


The Intel Developer Cloud (IDC) trial is open to pre-qualified Intel customers, approved developers, and all Intel employees. While we plan to formerly launch in the future, today you will already be gaining access to a powerful, highly functional, system, and one that can greatly benefit from you sharing your experiences so we can improve it. In other words, it is not perfect and we would appreciate your help finding the rough edges.

The picture below illustrates how to think of this system at a high level.

This is NOT a cluster, and it is not a system that will give you root access. The system is a shared system (please be respectful of others in not hogging resources unnecessarily), not a virtualized one.

This IS a system with round-the-clock access to systems with 4th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors and Intel GPU Max series GPUs (PVCs).

High level view

Simple 1-2-3 steps

This Readme files has a lot of detail, but you should start by focusing on only three things:

  1. Get an account on Intel® Developer Cloud. If you have one, you do not need to create a new one. If you need one, sign up now - it is free and instant. Note: Intel employees also have an employee login option that is only usable internally (in the office, or externally via VPN) - just look for the "Employee Sign In" and click that instead of entering a username, etc. If you are an Intel employee, you can create an account with any non-Intel email in order to sign in without being on the corporate network.
  2. Have an Public-Private Authentication Key Pair that has ed25519 or RSA 4096 level of strength. If you have one, you do not need to create a new one. If you need one, follow SSH Setup instructions to create one (free and instant). With your key, we recommend setting up your config file to make ssh easy (see SSH .config Client Setup).
  3. Create and use the service - it is free and instant (no need to enter any payment information - no credit card needed). Everyone can schedule and deploy the service with Intel® Developer Cloud management console. From there pick Intel® Max Series GPU (PVC) on 4th Gen Intel® Xeon® processors - 1100 series (4x) (Batch Processing/Scheduled access). Intel employees wanting to use their employee login, should get on the internal network (VPN) and go here and click Sign In.

These three steps will get you ON the system. You'll find more instructions on setting up an environment, using Jupyter, and more later in this Readme.

Account Registration

Here the process to get your account and access the service, described above, step-by-step.

To access the batch service, external users must register for an Intel® Developer Cloud user account, via the Sign Up button on the Intel® Developer Cloud landing page ( and follow the steps in the Intel Cloud registration process. Intel employees can use their existing credentials to access the Intel® Developer Cloud portal and select the batch service via the "Employee Sign In" link on this same page.


To register, press the ' Create the Account' button, as indicated:


In the new registration screen, fill out the registration input fields and press "Next: Verify your email" button.


A confirmation is sent to the email address that was entered in the registration screen. The email contains a single-use code, illustrated below. You should get the email within minutes, please look in SPAM and JUNK folders if you do not see it promptly.


Enter the verification code in the field, as illustrated below and enter 'Create an account' button.


Next, we proceed to to go to the cloud management console.

Here we need to make sure our SSH public key is in our profile. Click the person/profile icon on the blue bar (NOT the one higher up on the same page).


Paste in your public key


Click "Save Key" and then Select the "Instances" Tab.


Check the "Scheduled..." instance, and click "Launch Instance"


Request access by clicking "Request Access." Note: once you have an instance, this page would show you the information (username, etc.) in case you have forgotten it.


Enter your organization/affiliation/company and an explanation. Once your explanation is 35 characters long, you can click "Request Access" and you will be granted access immediately.


Make note of you user ID, you will need it.


This is a good time to follow the SSH .config Client Setup instructions using your new user ID information.

Please, please, please be sure your .ssh file permissions are set correctly. Failure to do so, is the NUMBER ONE REASON for FAILURE to be able to ssh to the instance.

Now you can ssh to the node. "ssh myidc" (use the name you set in your ~/.ssh/config).

From here, the most likely thing you want to do is srun --pty bash to open a live session on a 4th Gen Xeon system with Intel Max GPUs (PVCs) - where you can compile and run code (including single node multi-rank MPI programs), launch Jupyter notebooks, and more!

SSH Setup


ssh-keygen is a tool for creating new authentication key pairs for SSH. Such key pairs are used for automating logins, single sign-on, and for authenticating hosts. The IDC uses SSH Keys exclusively and you will never use a password for authentication.

SSH Public Key Creation

To create a key use the ssh-keygen utility found in your terminal application. Windows powershell, Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Terminal, Linux or MAC Terminal

For WSL, Linux and MAC clients enter the below command

ssh-keygen -o -a 100 -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_idc -C ""

For PowerShell enter:

ssh-keygen -o -a 100 -t ed25519 -f C:\Users\YourID\.ssh\id_ed25519_idc

The passphrase is optional and you can hit enter for no pass phrase. This will result in two files being generated: id_ed25519_idc and take care of these files as they are the private and public key pair that will be tied to your IDC account.

SSH .config Client Setup (assumes no proxy needed)

To make accessing the IDC convenient, it is recommended to setup a .ssh\config file.

Linux, WSL, & MAC clients

User uXXXXXX #← Request "scheduled access" at" to get your user identifier.
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_idc
#ProxyCommand /usr/bin/nc -x YourProxy:XXXX %h %p # Uncomment if necessary
ServerAliveInterval 60
ServerAliveCountMax 10
StrictHostKeyChecking no # Frequent changes in the setup are taking place now, this will help reduce the known hosts errors.

For Intel Employees - you need PROXY settings to function from VPN or in the office

Visit Internal Wiki for a run down of settings, which may differ based on your location.

For MingW64 users use below, line order matters.

#ProxyCommand "C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\connect.exe" -S %h %p  # Optional Proxy Command
Host myidc
User uXXXXXX #← Request "scheduled access" at" to get your user identifier.
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_idc
ServerAliveInterval 60
ServerAliveCountMax 10
StrictHostKeyChecking no

For PowerShell Users

  • Note you must install ncat if behind a proxy. A method to install can be accomplished by installing nMap and selecting ncat in the options. If you do not need a proxythe below should just work.
Host myidc
User uXXXXXX #← Request "scheduled access" at" to get your user identifier.
IdentityFile C:\Users\youruserid\.ssh\id_ed25519_idc
#ProxyCommand ncat --proxy YourProxy:XXXX --proxy-type socks5 %h %p  ## Uncomment if necessary
ServerAliveInterval 60
ServerAliveCountMax 10
StrictHostKeyChecking no 

SSH folder and file permissions

Ensure that permissions are correct when on Linux or MacOS - these are the commands to force that:

chmod 700 ~/.ssh
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/known_hosts*
chmod 400 ~/.ssh/id*
chmod 400 ~/.ssh/*.pub

Once you are configured properly, from the terminal future connections are established by entering:

ssh myidc

You are allowed up to 4 connections to the IDC. If you lose a connection and rejoin, you may want to look for other lost login processes and kill them off (look with ps -aux).

Head Node vs Compute Nodes

Upon initial connection to the IDC, you are connected to the head node. This IDC utilizes SLURM to manage job scheduling and resource management. As a cluster workload manager, SLURM has three key functions. First, it allocates exclusive and/or non-exclusive access to resources (compute nodes) to users for some duration of time so they can perform work. Second, it provides a framework for starting, executing, and monitoring work (normally a parallel job) on the set of allocated nodes. Finally, it arbitrates contention for resources by managing a queue of pending work.

Head Node

The head node is a login node and a method of authentication, no development work can occur on the head node. There are no accelerators on the head node. From the head node you can do file management, launch and manage SLURM jobs on the dedicated partition or launch an interactive job on one of the worker nodes. Your home directory is automatically mounted on the worker node when you connect. It has a maximum of 20GB of storage. There is a data directory where training, datasets, and conda-configs are stored. /home/common/data

Interactive Worker Nodes

The worker node is a standard Ubuntu 22.04.02 LTS environment including many developer utilities. In addition the Intel oneAPI Basekit, HPCKit, Renderkit and several Intel optimized AI environments using Conda and OpenVino are installed.

Go interactive!

srun --pty bash
source /opt/intel/oneapi/

The interactive worker nodes are resource constrained in that they are shared resources, so please be courteous. Running code on the interactive session is just like being on a local session and you can run code without submitting to a queue. There is at least one PVC in each worker node. For maximum performance submit your job to the pvc partition which will run your code using all resources available and if your code can make use of Intel(R) Data Center GPU Max 1100's there are 4 in each non interactive node. Keep in mind this is a one at a time job, so you might have to wait awhile.

Environment Setup

Enter source /opt/intel/oneapi/ and the oneAPI development environment will be initialized.

Enter conda env list and activate the python environment of your choice. Both Tensorflow and Pytorch environments have Jupyter installed. If you don't like those environments create your own conda environment and customize to your liking.

Verify it works / Troubleshoot

Please verify that your environment works at this point enough to "see" the PVC (GPUs). If you cannot, there is little point in doing more until we fix it so you can see the GPUs.

Here are the commands you should have done already to reach a node with GPUs, plus three more. The first command is on your system. The second command is on the head node. The last three commands will be on an a node that has PVC cards. The output of these commands see if have access to the GPU cards, and if not give us a hint on why not.

ssh myidc
srun --pty bash
groups  # Key group is render, PVC access is unavailable if you do not have render group present.
source /opt/intel/oneapi/

The output of sycl-ls should show multiple lines mentioning Data Center GPU Max. If this is true, you have successfully confirmed that you have access to GPUs. Proceed to additional steps - no further testing is needed.

If you do not see Data Center GPU Max in your sycl-ls output, then we need to figure out why so you can report the right issues to support.

First, check the output of the 'groups' command. The output is a list (on one line, no commas between the names) of groups your user ID is in. One of those names needs to be render. If it is not, stop at this point and send a note to support which mentions your actual user ID something like this: "My user uxxxxxx is not a member of group render - please correct this." To submit this see Where to get Support.

Second, for a variety of reasons some nodes have a nasty habit of losing track of its PVC cards - we are investigating and improving things daily (this is a beta after all). If you issues with nodes where PVC cards disappear (to the OS), proven by sycl-ls not listing them, then please let us know (see Where to get Support). Also, feel free to try other nodes (from head node, use srun -p pvc-shared -w idc-beta-batch-pvc-node-05 --pty bash to force yourself onto node 05 (change to try other nodes). You can see what nodes are online with sinfo -al and once you are on a node you can see if the cards (Intel(R) Data Center GPU Max) are by running sycl-ls (after you source setvars of course).


This will get better, there are security issues that need to be overcome in future versions of IDC, for now these are the overview of steps to run Jupyter-lab:

  1. Login to the head node.
  2. Launch an interactive session
  3. Find the IP of the interactive session.
  4. Activate a conda environment that has jupyter-lab
  5. Launch jupyter-lab and take note of the port
  6. From another terminal port forward to your localhost
  7. Launch a browser and paste the long link from the other terminal tab
  8. Have fun with Jupyter-lab!

The details, enter these from a terminal:

ssh myidc
srun --pty bash
conda activate pytorch_xpu
jupyter-lab --ip $(hostname -i)

Take note of the IP and the port that jupyter launches on, it will look something like this:

Your port will likely be different so replace 8888 with what was provided to you. From a new terminal enter:

ssh myidc -L 8888:10.10.10.X:8888

Open your browser and enter localhost:8888 or shift+click the link in the other terminal, or paste the token that was provided to you when you initialized the server as your password and use Jupyter lab as usual.

VS Code Desktop Client

One can use VS Code to connect to the IDC via the tunnels plugin which can streamline access once setup and connected. However, VSCode has the problem of plenty with respect to plugins and sometimes they conflict. If you have an issue please try and slim down the number of plugins. In addition many corporate proxies do not support web sockets. This is best used without a proxy, YMMV.

Overview of Steps

  1. Successfully connect to IDC via SSH. See above.
  2. Have a GIT account that you can use as an OAuth provider.
  3. Install Code Server on IDC in your user account.
  4. Install VS Code if you do not have it.
  5. Add Remote - Tunnels Extension ID ms-vscode.remote-server
  6. Connect to IDC worker node running VS Code Server
  7. Authenticate Machine
  8. Done.

Connect to IDC and get on a worker node:

ssh myidc
srun --pty bash

From the worker node download, unzip and execute VS Code Server, you only need to do the following the initial time. Afterwards just execute ./code tunnel

curl -Lk '' --output vscode_cli.tar.gz

tar -xzf vscode_cli

./code tunnel --accept-server-license-terms

Upon successful execution your screen should resemble the below screen:


As stated in the overview, you will need to have a working GitHub account: A ctrl+click on the console should take you to a screen that looks like below. Enter the code and follow the prompts.



Upon successful activation and authentication you will want to name your tunnel. This name never needs to change and you can call it anything. It attempts to use the machines name which is too long so shorten it. Your screen will resemble below:


At this point launch your VS Code client, it is possible to just use a browser but you do not get the same level of functionality. If you do not have the extension Remote Tunnels install it. The extensions can be found under the 5th icon on the left of the VS Code UI.


You will likely be asked to authorize Remote - Tunnels using GitHub. This typically only happens on the very first connection.


Follow the prompts, depending on how many organizations you belong to there could be several pages. You do not need to authorize any of your other organizations just allow VS Code to talk to the IDC.


From VS Code Enter F1 and enter Remote - Tunnels: Connect to Tunnel Enter the name you called your tunnel.


There will be one final authorization, don't forget to check the box or you will be asked again:


At this point you should achieve a successful connection. There will be a green box with the name of your tunnel in the lower left corner of VS Code.

In the future all you need to do is login in to the IDC, establish the tunnel and connect to VS Code using F1 and Remote - Tunnels Connect.

Additional Software

It's possible to install additional software if regular user permissions are the only requirements. For example to install the Intel® Distribution for Python follow these steps: Miniconda is already installed, but you will be creating a virtual environment in your home directory.

  1. conda activate base
  2. conda update conda
  3. conda config --add channels intel
  4. conda create -n idp intelpython3_full
  5. conda activate idp

Keep in mind you have 20GB of storage in your home directory for all software and data.

Common Slurm Commands

sinfo -al (What Nodes are available)
pvc*         up    2:00:00          1   no       NO        all      3        idle idc-beta-batch-pvc-node-[01-03]

squeue -al (How many jobs are in the queue)

scancel {JOB-ID}

Go interactive with a compute node

srun --pty bash

Sample GPU Test Code

Here is a sample GPU test code that demonstrates functionality and how to offload the application execution to a compute node. Follow the below steps:

Step 1. Copy the code below into a file.

#include <sycl/sycl.hpp>
using namespace sycl;
int main() {
//# Create a device queue with device selector
  queue q(gpu_selector_v);
//# Print the device name
  std::cout << "Device: " << q.get_device().get_info<info::device::name>() << "\n";
  return 0;

Step 2. Save the file as getdev.cpp

Step 3. Enter the following commands to compile and run the application.

source /opt/intel/oneapi/

icpx -fsycl getdev.cpp

srun a.out

If successful it should return Device: Intel(R) Data Center GPU Max 1100. Demonstrating that you successfully compiled a SYCL application and offloaded it's execution to a GPU on the compute node.

An Example Script

This will email you at the start and completion of your job.

#SBATCH --job-name=gpu_run
#SBATCH --partition=pvc-shared
#SBATCH --error=job.%J.err 
#SBATCH --output=job.%J.out
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL

srun ./my_a.out

Running MPI

When using MPI, you should set these environment variables (put in your ~/.bashrc to always have them):

export I_MPI_PORT_RANGE=50000:50500
export btl_tcp_port_min_v4=1024

MPI is currently limited to a single node, and must be run without SLURM. Since SLURM (srun) will be the default, you need to specify a different launcher using the -launcher option.

For instance - either of these should work:

mpirun -launcher ssh -n 128 ./a.out
mpirun -launcher fork -n 128 ./a.out

These are probably the same (ssh and fork), but honestly we don't know. They seem to run in the same time. Let us know if you decide one is a superior choice.

Instead of using the -launcher option, you can also unset the environment variables that trigger mpirun to use SLURM. To do so, use:


Unfortunately, adding these to your ~/.bashrc will not work becasue they are added into your environment later than that. But, you can issue manually before you use mpirun if you want to avoid the -launcher option.

Visit the MPI with SYCL example page for a quick example of how to get a SYCL Hello World from 40 different connections to GPUs (40 ranks).

If you use MobaXterm

If you like using ModaXterm, here are notes from a user (thank you Yuning!) on the steps to make it fully work:

Step 1: Get ip address

echo $(ip a | grep -v -e "" -e "inet6" | grep "inet" | awk {'print($2)}' | sed 's//.*//')

example output:

Step2: Select the tunneling tab in MobaXterm


Select your own private key


Description automatically generated


If you need a proxy (Intel employees do when on internal network or VPN) - set up proxy (Intel is “”).


Edit this tunnel


Step3: Launch Jupyter notebook in MobaXterm (use the IP address 10.10.10.X you were assigned)

jupyter-lab --ip 10.10.10.X --no-browser

VTune, Advisor, PTrace - and other things you will get later

VTune, Advisor, and PTrace will come later - not now. We will not install or offer tools that give system wide insight, due to serious security concerns that exist when you have a very diverse community of users. This means that VTune, Advisor, and PTrace will not be installed or activated. We do plan to offer more isolated systems in the future which will host these highly useful tools. We love them and it pains us to have to leave them off these systems.

FAQs: Super Important Tips that may be non-obvious

Please read these carefully, many may solve obstacles you encounter.

  1. Incoming only ssh/fstp/scp: Your ~/.ssh directory is owned by root. Please leave it alone, changing it would not do what you hope. You can use https in and out (e.g., git). However, ssh, sftp, scp, etc. are incoming only. You can use the -L option on your ssh into the instance to connect your machine nicely into the instance. If you cannot figure out how to get this working, or feel it is too limiting - reach out to us to discuss via request support - see instructions.
  2. Do not forget /tmp: Your account has (only) 20G of persistent storage (available on all nodes, and persists between logins). For more high speed temporary space, try using /tmp. Of course, /tmp may be wiped clean by a reboot - it should survive on a node otherwise. If you need to reconnect, you may need to specify the node you need to attach to using an additional option on srun such as -w idc-beta-batch-pvc-node-XX (you need to know which node XX to specify). If there is popular dataset, or tool, you want available globally - reach out to us to make suggestion via request support - see instructions.
  3. Do remember /tmp is NOT PERMANENT all files in /tmp will disappear without notice (reboots) - so its a great place to use extra space for a brief time, but don't do work there that is not easily recreated
  4. Renew your access before it expires: We cannot restore files if you let your access expire - they really are lost. We recommend you Extend your access) in the week preceeding expiration, and due to a bug (see next section) you really do not want to use it on the last day. Of course, even if it expires you can create another instance and recreate your environment/files.
  5. If your ssh fails the two most common causes are: (a) incorrect ssh folder and file permissions, (b) being out of sync with the instance. For the first (a), refer to SSH folder and file permissions. For the latter (b), go to (click here to see the screenshots on how to do) and put your public key in your profile (to be sure it matches the one you are using on your systme) and then launch a new instance.
  6. Publish results: We welcome you publishing results you get from using Intel Developer Cloud. Of course, if you see anything unexpected we would welcome questions via request support - see instructions.. We enjoy seeing mention if you enjoyed using the Intel Developer Cloud, and we encourage you to use the exclusive queue to get performance numbers without others on the system you are running upon. The systems with PCIe cards are 1100 (single tile) GPUs, and we will eventually also have 1550 (dual tile) GPUs. Noting which model you used is encouraged too.
  7. GDB gdb is called via gdb-oneapi. This version will enable you to debug on CPU and GPU.

Notable Known Issues

We really need your feedback - so keep them coming (to submit feedback see section below: Where to get Support).

Please read kindly: I note "we plan to fix before August" below... and I mean it. "Plan" means it is subject to change - and "before August" currently means about July 28.

Right now, here are a few things we know are not working:

  1. emacs is on the head node, but missing on the other nodes (oops) - forcing the humiliation of using vim or nano for now (highest priority to fix in my book); we plan to fix before August
  2. renew before your last day (free to do so - see the section below: Extend your access) - because on your last day for an allocation you can still log in but things like SLURM will stop working
  3. getpwuid() is broken on nodes - you may see error messages or warnings like "username unknown" - mostly harmless, other than a few apps which will refuse to run; we plan to fix before August
  4. many additional conda packages would be nice to have preinstalled (we will add more); we plan to add before August
  5. cannot use/see PVC - please read Troubleshooting - we see several reasons pop up that users cannot access the GPU (PVC) - start with the Verify it works / Troubleshoot to see if it is a configuration issue, or something else - yes, some nodes have a nasty habit of losing track of its PVC cards - we are investigating - if you issues with nodes where PVC cards disappear (to the OS) - let us know, and feel free to try other nodes (from head node, use "srun -p pvc-shared -w idc-beta-batch-pvc-node-05 --pty bash" to force yourself onto node 05 (change to try other nodes). You can see what nodes are online with "sinfo -al" and once you are on a node you can see if the cards (Intel(R) Data Center GPU Max) are by running "sycl-ls" (after you source setvars of course).

Recently resolved:

  1. /tmp filesystem allows builds (executables) now - so you can use the space for TEMPORARY build (cleared at reboots)
  2. nodes no longer limited by head node ulimits (was a mistaken we fixed)
  3. unzip is on the systems now
  4. **HPC toolkit **is on the systems now (including Fortran)

Extend your access

This is subject to change - here is where we are now:

  1. The system should auto-extend your account if you are using it during the last week of your allocated time. If it is idle in the days before it expires, your account will disappear and we cannot restore it (asking would be futile).
  2. In the final week, you can visit and request an extension. Ideally, a button will appear next ot the instance when you schedule the "View Instances" tab. Click it and fill in the form and submit. If nothing appears on the "View Instances" tab - then you need to go to the "Launch Instance" tab, check the box in front of "Intel® Max Series GPU (PVC) on 4th Gen Intel® Xeon® processors - 1100 series (4x) (Batch Processing/Scheduled access)" and click "Launch Instance." You should now see a button to request an extension, click it and follow instructions to submit a request. If all else fails, please request support - see instructions.

Where to get Support

We have a small team ramping to respond quickly: please go to the support address shown when you login and click "Submit Service Request."

We really hope you will contact us with feedback and requests by clicking "Submit Service Request" (goes to a small team) at

You may ALSO send an email to WARNING: James and Ben may be much slower to respond than the ticket system, but we may be able to help with tough questions quicker. If you do not get a response to your ticket within a day, or a plan for resolution within 3 days. Please reference your ticket numbers.

Revisit This Page for Tips

We are enhancing, extending, and refining daily! Please check back at often for new tips, and inevitable changes as we get better together!


Helper Files for IDC + Important resource for ssh connection