PHP 8.1 support
ClosedPHP 8
ClosedHow do I get the socre? (v3)
Closed 1reCAPTCHA v2 issue
Closed 1reCAPTCHA v2 issue
Closed 2reCAPTCHA v3 not working
Closed 1Support china mirroring
Closed 1Problem with using V2 driver
Closed 2Facade directory missing
Closed 1Laravel 4.2 CaptchaRule
Closed 2How to reset multiple captchas?
Closed 6Hope added DOMAIN config.
Closed 1Laravel invisible ex
Closed 15no longer support laravel 4.2
Closed 1invisible Recaptcha support?
Closed 5Error on composer require
Closed 1Fails to display google images
Closed 5reload
Closed 3noCaptcha documentation
ClosedMultiple noCaptcha
Closed 10