APWG / csv-export-with-date-range

How to export data from the eCX in CSV format using date ranges

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CSV Export from eCX using a Date Range

The eCX API has a few date ranging query parameters already built in - date modified, and date discovered.

Both modified and discovered take an integer epoch date value, more on epoch dates, as well as converters and other language specific tools, can be found at https://www.epochconverter.com/

When data is submitted to eCX we keep a created epoch date value in the database, as well as a modified epoch date value - both being set to the same timestamp on creation.

The eCX API allows users to update various values in an entity via a PATCH operation, and when a PATCH query is performed the created date value is left unchanged, but the modified epoch is updated to now(). Because the eCX API default output sort order is in modified descending, this change to modified on PATCH allows the newly updated data to "bubble" to the top of the API output, which gets changes out to the community immedietly.

Ranging Options:

Within the eCX Modules (APWG fed and supported) there are both date discovered and date modified query parameters. Within Workgroups (APWG member created, fed and supported) there, at a minimum, will be date modified, with the potential for other date fields. Any date field will have a ranging option available for it. All possible eCX API query parameters are in the eCX API Documentation tab off the main menu, or on a menu tab within each Workgroups home area.

The query parameter names for date modified are mod_date_start and mod_date_end. For date dis1covered the query parameter names are dd_date_start and dd_date_end, again all of these parameters take an integer epoch date value - ie dd_date_start=1544211463 (converts to Friday, December 7, 2018 11:37:43 AM GMT-08:00)

You can use the dd_start_date and/or mod_start_date to tell the eCX API to return you all entities between the start date and now.

CSV Output:

The eCX API natively supports CSV output for the /phish eCX API endpoint when using the container=csv query parameter

Step 1:

Know the date ranges (date, time, and timezone) for beginning and ending values. Know which date value you want to query, date discovered and/or date modified, you can use both. Convert these datetime values to epochs. Every programming language has a function to perform this conversion, also known as "Unix time".

Step 2:

Know your eCX API token key. Your eCX API token key can be found on your eCX profile page by clicking on your name in the header menu. This eCX API token will go in the header of your GET request using a key/value pair

    "Authorization: <your eCX API token key goes here>",
    "Content-Type: application/json"

Note that we set the Content-Type in the header as well, we're sending the eCX API JSON data, and getting CSV back via using the container param.

Step 4:

Pass your header information in, calling:


A cURL query:

curl --request GET \
   --url 'https://api.ecrimex.net/phish?mod_date_start=1541030400&mod_date_end=1543622399&container=csv' \
   --header 'Authorization: <your eCX API token key goes here>' \
   --header 'Content-Type: application/json'

A wget query:

wget --quiet \
   --method GET \
   --header 'Authorization: <your eCX API token key goes here>' \
   --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
   --output-document \
   - 'https://api.ecrimex.net/phish?mod_date_start=1541030400&mod_date_end=1543622399&container=csv'


How to export data from the eCX in CSV format using date ranges