[RA-L 2022] Ctrl-VIO: Continuous-Time Visual-Inertial Odometry for Rolling Shutter Cameras

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question regarding ORB-SLAM3 evaluation on paper

jaehwan-pi opened this issue · comments

Thank you for sharing nice work.
I'm evaluating ORB-SLAM3 on sensetime dataset, to reproduce the result on your paper.
When I run ORB-SLAM3 with this dataset, it produces error frequently.
such as, "Fail to track local map!".
So I have the following questions.

  1. How did you set the for ORB-SLAM3 such as IMU noise and ORBextractor.nFeatures?
  2. In your paper you mentioned that "we disable the loop detection and pose graph optimization of VINS-Mono and ORB-SLAM3 for pure VIO evaluations." How did you disable these on ORB-SLAM3?

Your answer will be really appreciated.