APN-Pucky / make-python-action

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A simple action to build, test, doc and publish python packages mainly through Makefile commandos.

Flow and Options

step with condition default
1. make build build: true
2. make install install: true
3. make test test: true
4. make doc doc: false
5. Report to Coveralls coveralls: false
6. Report to Codacy codacy-api-token:
coverage-reports: coverage.xml
7. Deploy to Test PyPi test-pypi-token:
8. Deploy to PyPi pypi-token:
9. Upload Test to Github Pages test-gh-pages: false
10. Upload to Github Pages gh-pages: false
gh-pages-branch: gh-pages
gh-pages-folder: docs/build/html

Example Projects