AOSC-Archive / aosc-appstream-data

Distro-specific Appstream data XMLs for software frontends

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Distro-specific Appstream data XMLs for software frontends running on AOSC OS. Two of the most used examples are:

And all these requires an AppStream standardized XML catalog. More about the standard of this file can be found at

This is a repository containing automatically generated data, generated by appstream-glib.


A generic directory walk through.

  • xmls/ contains all XML catalogs.
  • icons/aosc contains cached icon files.

And all to be installed to /usr/share/app-info and provided by a package available to AOSC OS users. Check for more updates.


This repository is designed to update once a week (or on-call) by the BuildBot (as we call it) kindly provided by OSSPlanet.

The current generation command is shown as below.

appstream-builder --api-version=0.8 \
                  --add-cache-id \
                  --cache-dir=/repodata/cache \
                  --log-dir=/tmp/logs \
                  --packages-dir=/appstream-worker/os3-rpm \
                  --temp-dir=/tmp \
                  --output-dir=/repodata \
                  --basename=appstream \
                  --origin=aosc \
                  --enable-hidpi \
                  --verbose \
                  --include-failed \


  • /repodata contains all that can be found in this repository.


Distro-specific Appstream data XMLs for software frontends