ANSSI-FR / opkcs11-tool

opkcs11-tool: managing and operating PKCS #11 security tokens in OCaml

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


opkcs11-tool is a CLI program written in OCaml offering capabilities to administer and use PKCS#11 cryptographic devices (create/destroy keys, encrypt/hash/sign, ...).

An advantage of opkcs11-tool is its support of newer cryptographic schemes such as Elliptic Curves, PSS signature and OAEP encryption.

Ongoing support

opkcs11-tool has been originally developed at ANSSI, but new releases are not provided by the agency anymore. Active developers took the project in charge.

Therefore, anyone who wishes to get upstream versions of the project must visit as this page now only serves archive purposes.

Project archives

ANSSI is providing the last stable commited version of opkcs11-tool as an archive on this website:


opkcs11-tool: managing and operating PKCS #11 security tokens in OCaml