ANFALATAWI / Linux-Server-Configuration

Configuring a Linux Server and deploying a flask app on it.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is Project 3 for Udacity’s Full-Stack Nanodegree, the objective is to configure a Linux server and deploy an app on it.

You can find the server running at

The IP of the server:

(It’s running Games’ Catalog)

You can log in as user grader with the key provided in the instructor notes, using: ssh -i [PATH_TO_KEY] grader@ -p 2200

Software Installed On Server

... and a number of supporting modules to run the previous Udacity project Games’ Catalog.

Configurations Made

  • Remote login of root user disabled
  • Grader user given sudo access
  • UFW configured as per rubric
  • users required to authenticate using RSA keys
  • Configured cron scripts to automatically manage updates
  • Virtual host
  • Configured PSQL

Resources & References


Configuring a Linux Server and deploying a flask app on it.