AMGIRI-1996's repositories


This is a simple python script which converts a 2D video to 3D video for VR boxes. It is all about our mind's judgment about the picture. As we see normally we need to make our mind believe that some things are away and some are close. That just can be done by modifying the 2D image and that's it.


Data protection has become an increasingly significant issue, especially with the rapid development and use of the Internet. Here we tried to make image watermark protection even if image is tampered. Firstly generated a self-recovery image that is robust to tampering attacks. In the preprocessing phase, we used the chaotic mixing algorithm to evenly distribute the hidden information. the resulting information is called “chaotic information”.We used common images that are standard in the field of image processing to train the codebook via the Linde–Buzo–Gray algorithm. Furthermore, we used the resulting codebook to encrypt and decrypt our experimental images. In the last step of the preprocessing phase, we generated a robust image as the self-recovery image. Next, for both the encryption and decryption phases, we used the OMP algorithm to implement the sparse approximation. For the process of sparse approximation, we selected the index yielding the maximum coefficient in the sparse coefficient vector to represent the corresponding vector. So, in encryption phase by using codebook, image, information(watermark) one private key is generated. and in decryption phase using codebok, image, private key informatin(watermark) is generated as the result.



You can make your own online bot competition. You can choose any game you want and place a competition of making bots for that game. Our interface will help them to compete with each other and to find loop holes to improve the game. In the end you can have a knockout tournament for these bots and can decide the winner.



The project was to get the similarity between two sentences of any language ( It can be natural language or computer language). The first step we are doing is to parse the sentence and get the tree structure of it. Then applying Zhang and Shasha's algorithm (we modified it as pure algorithm was not appropriate here) to find tree distance between these parsed trees. So now we divide the tree in a tree forest according to part of speech and calculate tree distance and we assigned different weightage for different parts of speech structures. for example. Ram is playing. Sita is playing You can see noun part does not alter the meaning of sentence but Ram is playing . Ram is eating verb is completely changing the meaning so clearly parts of sentence has to be different weightage for finding similarity. We used regression techniques to find these parameters.


Personal homepage for Anurag Giri



This is simple python script which lets you upload folder or file on google drive on just one click. It can even monitor files so when you change a monitored file it will also reflect on drive.



This is a long debating question in developing algorithm for search engines. The idea behind this one is very simple. Every search engine uses algorithm like HITS or page ranking with some own modification and features such as spelling checking and correcting most search matching etc... so for a query different search engines gives the best match according to their best algorithm. So if there is a common result it must be the best as it is best according to these best algorithms. Second question comes prioritizing the results. Idea used in this is to give preference according to number of intersection and results having same number of intersection will be sorted according to engine's priority. This can be decided using machine learning.



This creates separate audio files as per page number of the book. So you can enjoy the audio of book you wants to read. While using this code please dont run any other process ( It requires a lot of ram as to fasten the process).



Easiest and simplest OCR scanner library for Android built using Tesseract and Leptonica.



Udacity nanodegree project



Mirror of Apache OpenNLP



How to create an OS from scratch



Everyone is quite excited about the future and wants to know what is there in their future. Palmestry is a study on the lines of palm which predicts the future or tells about you. But it is quite difficult as there are many types of lines and for evry type there are a lot of variety and evry variety tells different things. So to help this out i made an online platform to know what is in your destiny.



A template for desktop applications with an HTML front end and Python back end.



Udacity Project



modified version, good look



get access to others networking ids
