AJ2401 / Employee-Churn-Analysis-and-Visualization-with-Web-Interface

This project uses the employee_churn_trimmed.csv which contains data on employees who quit or stayed at their jobs, to uncover what could be causing churn in the company or org and thus present these insights and findings using matplotlib and seaborn visualization plots and Displaying the Outputs in a Structured way using an interface(Website).

Repository from Github https://github.comAJ2401/Employee-Churn-Analysis-and-Visualization-with-Web-InterfaceRepository from Github https://github.comAJ2401/Employee-Churn-Analysis-and-Visualization-with-Web-Interface


--- Execution of project.py ---

.    Making Subprocess of Main Server which takes the Text File which Contains the HTTPS link for csv data.
.   Second After that it Goes to Internal Server where it is sending the Text.txt File to each Individual process to Process the data and give desired output.
.   After Getting Desired Output it is Launching the Website "index.html" which shows the output in well structured manner.

--- Clients/Client.py ---

. It Sends the Text File to Main Server Through Dynamic Port. . The Text File Contains the Https link of CSV data-collection.

--- Image Server (img_ser.py) ---

. Recieves Images From Image Client from Each Process.

--- Internal Server.py ---

. Sending the Text.txt File to Each Individual Process

--- P1.py , P2.py , P3.py , P4.py , P5.py , P6.py , P7.py , P8.py ---

. Run the Process Individually it will Process the Data and Form a Graphical Image of that Data. . It also Calls a Subprocess "img_client.py" which sends the Image to "img_server.py".

--- After Executing All Processes. ---

. It Comes back to Main Process. . And Lauches the Website.


This project uses the employee_churn_trimmed.csv which contains data on employees who quit or stayed at their jobs, to uncover what could be causing churn in the company or org and thus present these insights and findings using matplotlib and seaborn visualization plots and Displaying the Outputs in a Structured way using an interface(Website).


Language:Python 81.7%Language:HTML 14.1%Language:CSS 4.2%