AJ-Ianozi / Cashe

A Money library for Ada

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Cashe: A Money library for Ada

NOTE: This is still in prerelease and may have some changes before its final version!

This is a library that treats Money like a first class citizen, taking advantage of Ada's fixed point capabilities to store monetary values as a decimal with up to 20 places of precision, and then utilizes Banker's Rounding to display or measure the values on-demand based on the Currency's minor unit. Don't worry, if you want the full precision, there's ways to do that too.

with Cashe;                   use Cashe;
with ISO.Currencies;          use ISO.Currencies;
with Ada.Text_IO;             use Ada.Text_IO;
with Cashe.Money_Handling;    use Cashe.Money_Handling;
with Cashe.Currency_Handling; use Cashe.Currency_Handling;
procedure Example is
   Radio   : constant Custom_Currency :=
      Create (Code => "RAD", Minor_Unit => 0,
              Name => "Rad Currency", Symbol => "");
   Cardano : constant Custom_Currency :=
      Create (Code => "ADA", Minor_Unit => 15,
              Name => "Cardano", Symbol => "");
   USD : constant ISO.Currencies.Currency := ISO.Currencies.From_Code ("USD");

   US_Dollars  : Money := From_Major ("-123.45", USD);
   Ada_Dollars : Money := From_Major (173.398847322218938, Cardano);
   Rad_Dollars : Money := From_Major (1750, Radio);

   Put_Line (US_Dollars'Image);  --  "$-123.45"
   Put_Line (Ada_Dollars'Image); --  "₳ 173.398847322218938"
   Put_Line (Rad_Dollars'Image); --  "☢ 1750"
end Example;

Cashe is already fully featured, supporting:

  • Decimal, Decimal_Major, and Decimal_Minor datatypes utilizing supported ranges
  • ISO 4217 (Currency Codes) thanks to Ada ISO
  • Custom Currencies (see below)
  • A currency exchange (with support for an online exchange planned)
  • Fully overloaded functions for +, -, /, *, <, >, >=, <=, =, mod, and abs
  • Various overloaded combinations for all functions


With Alire

Be sure that you're using the latest community index:

alr index --update-all

To download and build:

alr get --build cashe

To include it as a dependency in your Alire project:

alr with cashe

Without Alire

If you don't use Alire, you can just download the ads and adb files under /src and include them in your project.


You can also read the full API documentation which has been generated with ROBODoc.

Primitive datatypes

There are several datatypes available in the Cashe package, used internally and accessible.

type Decimal is delta 1.0E-20 digits 38;

The Decimal data type is a fixed point decimal ranging from -999_999_999_999_999_999.99999999999999999999 to 999_999_999_999_999_999.99999999999999999999. You can use it in any place where a fixed point number is needed, and you can convert it with accurate precision from a floating point by doing:

with Cashe; use Cashe;
--   Long_Long_Float is recommended but this supports Float and Long_Float too
My_Float : constant Long_Long_Float :=                               14.1190004014938372284932918;
Dec_Full : constant Decimal         := To_Decimal (My_Float);    --  14.11900040149383722880
Dec3     : constant Decimal         := To_Decimal (My_Float, 3); --  14.11900000000000000000
Dec2     : constant Decimal         := To_Decimal (My_Float, 2); --  14.12000000000000000000

The Decimal_Major and Decimal_Minor datatypes are simply subtypes of Long_Long_Integer and Long_Long_Long_Integer respectively to restrict values being handled and major and minor units.

   --  integer number, ranging from:
   --  -999_999_999_999_999_999 to
   --   999_999_999_999_999_999
   --  Used for setting major units without precision.
   subtype Decimal_Major is Long_Long_Integer
      range -(1E+18 - 1) .. +(1E+18 - 1);
   --  128-bit integer number, ranging from:
   --  -99_999_999_999_999_999_999_999_999_999_999_999_999 to
   --   99_999_999_999_999_999_999_999_999_999_999_999_999
   --  Used for setting / accessing minor units
   subtype Decimal_Minor is Long_Long_Long_Integer
      range -(1E+38 - 1) .. +(1E+38 - 1);


You can utilize not only Ada ISO currencies, but you can also utilize custom currencies in package Cashe.Currency_Handling, defining symbols, codes, and minor units (precision) using Create. Everything is stored as a wide_wide_string for friendly compatibility with VSS.

with ISO.Currencies;
with Cashe;                   use Cashe;
with Cashe.Currency_Handling; use Cashe.Currency_Handling;
      --  Create some custom currencies.
      King_Currency : constant Custom_Currency :=
         Create (Code => "AJ", Minor_Unit => 2,
              Name => "AJ Currency", Symbol => "👑");
      Bitcoin : constant Custom_Currency :=
         Create (Code => "BTC", Minor_Unit => 8,
              Name => "Bitcoin", Symbol => "฿");
      Ethereum : constant Custom_Currency :=
         Create (Code => "ETH", Minor_Unit => 18,
              Name => "Ether", Symbol => "Ξ");
      Cardano : constant Custom_Currency :=
         Create (Code => "ADA", Minor_Unit => 15,
               Name => "Cardano", Symbol => "");
      RadCur   : constant Custom_Currency :=
         Create (Code => "RAD", Minor_Unit => 0,
              Name => "Rad Currency", Symbol => "");
      USD : constant ISO.Currencies.Currency :=
                        ISO.Currencies.From_Code ("USD");


Money is an immutable datatype found in the package Cashe.Money_Handling that can be created and stored (or just created on the spot) using various combinations of From_Major and From_Minor:

A_Float  : Long_Long_Float := 14.1190004014938372284932918;
Test_US0 : Money := From_Major ("-2000.005", "USD");
Test_US1 : Money := From_Major (875.00, "USD");
Test_US2 : Money := From_Minor (87500, "USD");
Test_US3 : Money := From_Major (0.0, "USD");
Test_YEN : Money := From_Major ("12345", "JPY");
Test_EU1 : Money := From_Major (2489.00, "EUR");
Test_EU2 : Money := From_Minor (248500, "EUR");
Test_AUD : Money := From_Major (-50, "AUD");
Test_OMR : Money := From_Minor (9383314, "OMR");
Test_BTC : Money := From_Minor (5000000000, Bitcoin);
Test_Wei : Money := From_Minor (1000000000000000000, Ethereum);
Test_We2 : Money := Test_Wei.Round;
Test_RAD : Money := From_Major (1234, Radio);
Test_ADA : Money := From_Major (45678.123456789098765, Cardano);
--  Be aware that there's no From_Major for floats. You choose your precision!
Test_US4 : Money := From_Major (To_Decimal (A_Float, 2), "USD");

There's several functions that you can utilize to get data about the money after it's been created, such as:

   function Same_Currency (This : Money; Item : Money) return Boolean;
   function Is_Custom_Currency (This : Money) return Boolean;
   function Get_Currency (This : Money) return Currency_Handling.Currency_Data;
   function Currency_Name (This : Money) return Wide_Wide_String;
   function Currency_Code (This : Money) return Wide_Wide_String;
   function Currency_Symbol (This : Money) return Wide_Wide_String;
   function Currency_Unit (This : Money) return Natural;
   function Is_Zero (This : Money) return Boolean;
   function Is_Positive (This : Money) return Boolean;
   function Is_Negative (This : Money) return Boolean;
   function Round (This : Money; By : Natural; Method : Round_Method := Half_Even) return Money;
   function Full_Precision (This : Money) return Decimal;
   function As_Major (This : Money) return Decimal;
   function As_Minor (This : Money) return Decimal_Minor;

As shown previously, you can print the money in its standard precision using the 'Image:

Put_Line (Test_US0'Image);  --  "$-2000.00"

If the symbol is not available, it will default to a universal currency symbol.

You can compare money using all of the standard comparison operators, which also support Money to Money, Money to Decimal, or Money to Integer, so checking if a value is greater than or equal to $10.00 is as easy as if My_Money >= 10 then.

When comparing Money, the operators will round via Banker's Rounding to the exact unit type the money is defined on, so you must call .Full_Precision to retrieve the complete precision.

      --  Test fuzzy equality
         USD : Money := From_Major (7.22, "USD");
         USD2 : Money := From_Minor (777, "USD");
         USD := USD + 0.55;
         Assert (USD = 7.77);
         USD := USD - 0.0001;
         Assert (USD = 7.77);
         Assert (USD = USD2);
         USD := USD - 0.004;
         Assert (USD = 7.77);
         USD := USD - 0.001;
         Assert (USD = 7.76);
         USD := USD * 77.555321;
         Assert (USD = 602.21);
         Assert (USD.Full_Precision = 602.2093120329);

Currency Exchange

Coming soon: Online exchange support!

The Currency_Exchange type found in package Cashe.Exchange is a table where you can set and later retrieve exchange rates. For example, assuming the exchange rate between USD and EUR was 0.5:

   My_Exchange : Currency_Exchange;
   My_Exchange.Set_Rate ("USD", "GBP", 0.5);

You can now convert between USD and GBP by doing:

--  Creates £ 50.00 from $100.00 USD.
New_Money : Money := My_Exchange.Convert (From_Minor (100_00, "USD"), "GBP");

By default, the exchange rate will allow calculating the reverse of the exchange rate; however, if you provide an explicit rate, that will override it:

--  Prints "$ 200.00", extraploating from the previous assignment
Put_Line (My_Exchange.Convert (From_Minor (100_00, "GBP"), "USD")'Image);
My_Exchange.Set_Rate ("GBP", "USD", 0.77);
--  Prints "$ 77.00"
Put_Line (My_Exchange.Convert (From_Minor (100_00, "GBP"), "USD")'Image);
--  This does not overrwrite the explicitaly set "other way around"
--  This still prints "£ 50.00":
Put_Line (My_Exchange.Convert (From_Minor (100_00, "USD"), "GBP")'Image);

You can also set a "base currency" for your currency exchange if you're always going to be falling back to a base unit.

   US_Exchange : Currency_Exchange;
   US_Exchange.Set_Base ("USD");
   US_Exchange.Set_Rate ("GBP", 0.5);
   US_Exchange.Set_Rate (Bitcoin, 0.0000331163);

You also have functions like In_Exchange to verify if some set of currencies are in the exchange, Rate to retrieve the actual exchange rate and Base_Is_Set to find out if you have set a base on that exchange.

I'll work writing the full documentation for the API next, but I hope that gives you an example of what this has to offer!


Feel free to open an issue if you find any bugs or comment if you have any comments or enhancements. I tried to catch everything with my unit tests, but I may have missed something.


A Money library for Ada

License:MIT License


Language:Ada 100.0%