AIS-Bonn / rviz_cinematographer

Easy to use tools to create and edit trajectories for the rviz camera.

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can the camera trajectory be extended to Gazebo?

ljburtz opened this issue · comments

Hello and thank you for making this package: the cinematographic trajectory builder makes for pro-like videos!

Is there a way to use that same camera trajectory for controlling the user_camera in gazebo's own GUI? (extend what happens in RVIZ to Gazebo?)

Thanks a lot for any pointers!

Thanks :)

I'm sorry, there is no option to do that.
My experiences with gazebo are very limited.
You could simulate a camera sensor in gazebo and publish the resulting image to generate a video.
This should be a tutorial for that use case:

And this is an example of how to simulate a moving object or the camera in your case:

The "Scripted Trajectories" chapter should be enough to get you started.

But I don't know whether gazebo offers some kind of interactive markers to specify trajectories.

If you make a tool for that, send me a link and I will spread the word ;)

thanks for the prompt answer and confirmation! Will reopen if I ever do start working on such a tool!

I'm not sure how much that helps but there was a video at the current ROS World about a package called robot cinematics.
It's a package to create animation videos in gazebo worlds.

This is a link to the video:

Their git repo linked in the video description is currently empty, so I don't know if this is what you are looking for.

thanks for the link! will keep an eye open on that too