AIS-Bonn / rviz_cinematographer

Easy to use tools to create and edit trajectories for the rviz camera.

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Build fails in install mode

cellard0or opened this issue · comments

When building in install mode, video_recorder_nodelet is not found and the build fails. I guess this is due to missing INSTALL directives in the video_recorder CMakeLists.txt.

Thanks for reporting the issue :)

I just build the packages in a fresh workspace using catkin tools in install mode without any problems.

Could you provide more details to you setup so I can recreate the problem?
E.g. ros version, build tool, workspace settings (like how you invoke install mode), error message

Thanks for looking into it! Here are some details:
Using Ros Melodic. I ran this script to reproduce the issue:
mkdir -p /tmp/test/src
cd /tmp/test/src
git clone
cd ..
catkin init
catkin config --install
catkin b

Error message:

Project 'rviz_cinematographer_gui' tried to find library
'video_recorder_nodelet'. The library is neither a target nor
built/installed properly. Did you compile project 'video_recorder'? Did
you find_package() it before the subdirectory containing its code is

Interestingly, it works fine in devel mode.

Now everything should run as expected.

In your script to have to

source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash

before building for the first time.


source /tmp/test/install/setup.bash

after building and before launching the cinematographer using

roslaunch rviz_cinematographer_gui rviz_cinematographer_gui.launch

Just for the sake of completeness.

Indeed, I forgot to add the source commands.
The fix works fine, thanks a lot. Very nice tool!