Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The DeracBot Project is a chatbot developed to assist students of CEFET-RJ (MaracanĂ£ Campus) in registering exemption requests for courses. The chatbot is integrated with various components and resources, including Node.js, Google Cloud Functions, Google Cloud Firestore, Google DialogFlow ES, and the Facebook infrastructure.

Java environment

Ensure you have Java version 11 or greater installed on the hosting maching.

Node.js environment

In order to ensure that the correct dependencies are installed, one MAY chose to run the following commands inside the project's root directory:


npm install -g firebase-tools
firebase login
firebase init firestore
firebase init functions
cd functions
npm uninstall --save-dev firebase-functions-test
npm install --save-dev actions-on-google
npm install

Note for command 2: login using the same Google account in wich the project was created.

Note for commands 3 and 4: avoid overriding repository FILES while configuring a new step up.

Optional: check the installation. The following commands should print node version v18.16.0 or greater and npm version 9.5.1 or greater:

node --version
npm --version

Here are some Node.js + NPM pair version.


To start all, build the scrip, then run the emulators:


cd functions
npm run build
cd ..
firebase emulators:start

Note: you may need to run the last command again if the Google Cloud Function's Emulator fails to load the function in the local environment.



Language:TypeScript 98.1%Language:JavaScript 1.9%