AI4Disaster / Awesome-LLM-in-Social-Science

Awesome papers involving LLMs in Social Science.

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Below we compile awesome papers that

  • evaluate or align Large Language Models (LLMs) from a perspective of Social Science.
  • employ LLMs to create simulation environments, facilitating research or addressing issues in diverse fields in Social Science.
  • can be considered a subset of those related to LLM-based agents.

Evaluation, alignment, and simulation are by no means orthogonal. For example, evaluations require simulations. We categorize these papers based on our understanding of their focus.

Using LLMs as research assistants (annotators, classifier, abstract generator, etc.) is beyond the scope of this repo.

This is a preliminary repo. Welcome to contribute and discuss!

Paper list


  • The Rise and Potential of Large Language Model Based Agents: A Survey, 2023, [paper], [repo].
  • A Survey on Large Language Model based Autonomous Agents, 2023, [paper], [repo].
  • AI Alignment: A Comprehensive Survey, 2023.11, [paper], [website].
  • Aligning Large Language Models with Human: A Survey, 2023, [paper], [repo].
  • Large Language Model Alignment: A Survey, 2023, [paper].


  • Out of One, Many: Using Language Models to Simulate Human Samples, 2022, [paper].

    Keywords: algorithmic fidelity, public opinion, political attitude

    TL;DR: This work introduces "algorithmic fidelity" - the degree to which the relationships between ideas, attitudes, and contexts in a model mirror those in human groups. They propose 4 criteria for assessing algorithmic fidelity and demonstrate that GPT-3 exhibits a high degree of fidelity for modeling public opinion and political attitudes in the U.S.

  • Can Large Language Models Transform Computational Social Science?, 2023, [paper], [code].

    Keywords: Computational Social Science (CSS), evaluation

    TL;DR: This document provides a roadmap for using LLMs as CSS tools, including prompting best practices and an evaluation pipeline. Evaluations show that LLMs can serve as zero-shot data annotators and assist with challenging creative generation tasks.

  • Using Large Language Models to Simulate Multiple Humans and Replicate Human Subject Studies, 2023, [paper], [code].

    Keywords: Turing Experiment, human subject research, hyper-accuracy distortion

    TL;DR: This paper presents a methodology for simulating Turing Experiments (TEs) and applies it to replicate well-established findings from economic, psycholinguistic, and social psychology experiments. The results show that larger language models provide more faithful simulations, except for a "hyper-accuracy distortion" (being unhumanly accurate) present in some recent models.

  • Large Language Models as Simulated Economic Agents: What Can We Learn from Homo Silicus?, 2023 [paper], [code].

    Keywords: simulated economic agents, Homo Silicus, Behavioral Economics

    TL;DR: LLMs can be used like economists use homo economicus. Experiments using LLMs show qualitatively similar results to the original economic research. It is promising to use LLM to search for novel social science insights to test in the real world.

  • SOTOPIA: Interactive Evaluation for Social Intelligence in Language Agents, 2023, [paper], [code].

    Keywords: social intelligence, interactive evaluation, language agents, goal-driven interaction, multi-agent simulation, commonsense reasoning

    TL;DR: The paper introduces SOTOPIA, a novel interactive environment for evaluating social intelligence in language agents through goal-driven social interactions. Experiments using SOTOPIA reveal gaps between SOTA models and human social intelligence, despite models showing some promising capabilities.

  • Exploring Collaboration Mechanisms for LLM Agents: A Social Psychology View, 2023, [paper], [code].

    Keywords: multi-agent systems, LLMs, collaboration strategies, social psychology, debate vs. reflection, conformity and majority rule

    TL;DR: This paper explores collaboration mechanisms among LLMs in a multi-agent system by drawing insights from social psychology. Multi-agent collaboration strategies are more important than scaling up single LLMs; fostering effective collaboration is key for more socially-aware AI.

  • Using large language models in psychology, 2023, [paper].

    Keywords: LLM, psychology, applications, measurement

    TL;DR: This paper explores the potential applications and concerns of using LLMs in psychological research, and recommends investments in high-quality datasets, performance benchmarks, and infrastructure to enable responsible use of LLMs.

  • More human than human: measuring ChatGPT political bias, 2023, [paper].

    Keywords: political bias, large language model, ChatGPT, algorithmic bias, empirical methods

    TL;DR: This paper proposed empirical designs to measure political bias in ChatGPT, showing that ChatGPT exhibits a significant and systematic political bias towards the Democrats in the US, Lula in Brazil, and the Labour Party in the UK.

  • Probing the Moral Development of Large Language Models through Defining Issues Test

    Keywords: moral development, defining issues test, ethical reasoning, alignment

    TL;DR: Defining Issues Test (DIT) based on Kohlberg's model of moral development is used to evaluate the ethical reasoning abilities of LLMs. GPT-3 performs at random baseline level while GPT-4 achieves the highest moral development score equivalent to graduate students.

  • Playing repeated games with Large Language Models, 2023.05, [paper].

    Keywords: games, cooperation, coordination, behavioral analysis

    TL;DR: This paper studies Large Language Models' (LLMs) cooperative and coordinated behavior by letting them play repeated 2-player games. The key findings are that LLMs like GPT-4 perform well in competitive games but struggle to coordinate and alternate strategies in games requiring more cooperation.

  • [Value] Heterogeneous Value Evaluation for Large Language Models, 2023.03, [paper], [code].

    TL;DR: This paper introduces the A2EHV method to assess how well these models align with a range of human values categorized under the Social Value Orientation (SVO) framework.

  • [Value] Measuring Value Understanding in Language Models through Discriminator-Critique Gap, 2023.10, [paper].

    TL;DR: This paper introduces Value Understanding Measurement (VUM) framework to quantitatively assess an LLM's understanding of values. This is done by measuring the discriminator-critique gap (DCG), which evaluates both the model's knowledge of values ("know what") and the reasoning behind this knowledge ("know why").


  • Fine-tuning language models to find agreement among humans with diverse preferences, 2022, [paper].

    Keywords: consensus, fine-tuning, diverse preferences, alignment

    TL;DR: This work fine-tunes LLM to generate statements that maximize the expected approval for a group of people with potentially diverse opinions, especially on moral and political issues.

  • Training Socially Aligned Language Models in Simulated Human Society, 2023, [paper], [code].

    Keywords: Stable Alignment, social alignment, societal norms and values, simulated social interactions, contrastive supervised learning

    TL;DR: This paper presents a training paradigm that permits LMs to learn from simulated social interactions for their social alignment. The model trained under such paradigm better handles “jailbreaking prompts”.


  • Social Simulacra: Creating Populated Prototypes for Social Computing Systems, 2022, [paper].

    Keywords: social computing prototypes, social simulacra, LLMs, system design refinement

    TL;DR: This paper proposes Social Simulacra, a social computing prototype, to mimic authentic social interactions within a system populated by diverse community members, each with distinct behaviors such as posts, replies, and anti-social tendencies.

  • Generative Agents: Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior, 2023, [paper], [code].

    Keywords: generative agents, sandbox environment, natural language communication, emergent social behaviors, Smallville

    TL;DR: This paper introduces generative agents and their architecture for memory storage, reflection, retrival, etc. The agents produce believable individual and emergent social behaviors in an interactive sandbox environment.

  • $S^3$: Social-network Simulation System with Large Language Model-Empowered Agents, 2023, [paper].

    Keywords: social network simulation, agent-based simulation, information/attitude/emotion propagation, user behavior modeling

    TL;DR: This paper introduces the Social-network Simulation System (S3) to simulate social networks via LLM-based agents. Evaluations using two real-world scenarios, namely gender discrimination and nuclear energy, display high accuracy in replicating individual attitudes, emotions, and behaviors, as well as successfully modeling the phenomena of information, attitude, and emotion propagation at the population level.

  • Rethinking the Buyer’s Inspection Paradox in Information Markets with Language Agents, 2023, [paper].

    Keywords: buyer’s inspection paradox, information economics, information market, language model, agent

    TL;DR: This work explores the buyer's inspection paradox in a simulated information marketplace, highlighting enhanced decision-making and answer quality when agents temporarily access information before purchase.

  • SocioDojo: Building Lifelong Analytical Agents with Real-world Text and Time Series, 2023, [paper].

    Keywords: lifelong learning, human society analysis, hyperportfolio, time series investment, Analyst-Assistant-Actuator architecture, Hypothesis and Proof prompting

    TL;DR: The paper introduces SocioDojo, a new environment and hyperportfolio task for training lifelong agents to analyze and make decisions about human society, along with a novel Analyst-Assistant-Actuator architecture and Hypothesis & Proof prompting technique. Experiments show the proposed method achieves over 30% higher returns compared to state-of-the-art methods in the hyperportfolio task requiring societal understanding.

  • Humanoid Agents: Platform for Simulating Human-like Generative Agents, 2023, [paper], [code].

    Keywords: humanoid agents, generative agents, basic needs, emotions, relationships

    TL;DR: This paper proposes Humanoid Agents, a system that guides generative agents to behave more like humans by introducing dynamic elements that affect behavior - basic needs like hunger and rest, emotions, and relationship closeness.

  • When Large Language Model based Agent Meets User Behavior Analysis: A Novel User Simulation Paradigm, 2023, [paper], [code].

    Keywords: user behavior analysis, user simulation, recommender system, profiling/memory/action module

    TL;DR: This work employs LLM for user simulation in recommender systems. The experiments demonstrate the superiority of RecAgent over baseline simulation systems and its ability to generate reliable user behaviors.

  • Large Language Model-Empowered Agents for Simulating Macroeconomic Activities, 2023, [paper].

    Keywords: macroeconomic simulation, agent-based modeling, prompt-engineering, perception/reflection/decision-making abilities

    TL;DR: This work leverages LLM-based agents for macroeconomic simulation. Experiments show the LLM-based agents make realistic decisions, reproducing classic macro phenomena better than rule-based or other AI agents.

  • Generative Agent-Based Modeling: Unveiling Social System Dynamics through Coupling Mechanistic Models with Generative Artificial Intelligence, 2023, [paper].

    Keywords: Generative Agend-Based Modeling, norm diffusion, social dynamics

    TL;DR: The authors demonstrate Generative Agent-Based Modeling (GABM) through a simple model of norm diffusion, where agents decide on wearing green or blue shirts based on peer influence. The results show emergence of group norms, sensitivity to agent personas, and conformity to asymmetric adoption forces.

  • Using Imperfect Surrogates for Downstream Inference: Design-based Supervised Learning for Social Science Applications of Large Language Models, 2023.06, NeurIPS 2023, [paper].

    TL;DR: We present a new algorithm for using outputs from LLMs for downstream statistic alanalyses while guaranteeing statistical properties -- like asymptotic unbiasedness and proper uncertainty quantification -- which are fundamental to CSS research. (用LLM的输出进行社会科学的文档标签的下游统计分析)

  • Epidemic Modeling with Generative Agents, 2023.07, [paper], [code].

    Keywords: epidemic modeling, generative AI, agent-based model, human behavior, COVID-19

    TL;DR: The paper presents a new epidemic modeling approach using generative AI to empower individual agents with reasoning ability. The generative agent-based model collectively flattens the epidemic curve, mimicking patterns like multiple waves, through AI-powered decision-making without imposed rules.

  • Emergent analogical reasoning in large language models, 2023.08, nature human behaviour, [paper].

    Keywords: GPT-3, Analogical Reasoning, Zero-Shot Learning, Cognitive Processes, Human Comparison

    TL;DR: This paper investigates the emergent analogical reasoning capabilities of GPT-3, demonstrating its proficiency in various analogy tasks compared to college students. The research highlights GPT-3's potential in zero-shot learning and its similarity to human cognitive processes in problem-solving.

  • MetaAgents: Simulating Interactions of Human Behaviors for LLM-based Task-oriented Coordination via Collaborative Generative Agents, 2023.10, [paper].

    Keywords: agent simulation, job fair environment, task-oriented coordination

    TL;DR: The paper introduces "MetaAgents" to enhance coordination in LLMs through a novel collaborative and reasoning approach, tested in a simulated job fair environment. The study reveals both the potential and limitations of LLM-based agents in complex social coordination tasks.

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Awesome papers involving LLMs in Social Science.

License:MIT License