AI-Mou / ppl.nn.llm

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


ppl.nn.llm is a part of PPL.LLM system.


We recommend users who are new to this project to read the Overview of system.

ppl.nn.llm is a collection of Large Language Models(LLM) inferencing engines based on ppl.nn.


  • Flash Attention
  • Split-k Attention(Similar with Flash Decoding)
  • Group-query Attention
  • Dynamic Batching(Also called Continous Batching or In-flight Batching)
  • Tensor Parallelism
  • Graph Optimization
  • INT8 groupwise KV Cache(Numerical accuracy is very close to FP16🚀)
  • INT8 per token per channel Quantization(W8A8)



Model Zoo

Known Issues

  • NCCL issue on some Device: Currently reported that L40S and H800 may encounter illegal memory access on NCCL AllReduce. We suggest trying to turn NCCL protocol Simple off by setting environment NCCL_PROTO=^Simple to fix this issue.


  • Linux running on x86_64 or arm64 CPUs
  • GCC >= 9.4.0
  • CMake >= 3.18
  • Git >= 2.7.0
  • CUDA Toolkit >= 11.4. 11.6 recommended. (for CUDA)
  • mpich >= 4.1.2 (when PPLNN_CUDA_ENABLE_NCCL=ON)

Quick Start

  • Installing prerequisites(on Debian 12 or Ubuntu 20.04 for example):

Cuda toolkit and mpich are recommended installing manually:

apt-get install build-essential cmake git
  • Cloning source code:
git clone
  • Building from source:

For nvidia ampere architecture we should use sm80, sm86 and sm87.

cd ppl.nn.llm
  • Export a model(such as LLaMA) and dump some tensors for testing:

Refer to ppl.pmx/model_zoo/llama/facebook/

  • Build a bash script for testing as below(this example is only for dynamic batching model):
if [ ! -n "$MPI_LOCALRANKID" ]; then
    echo "[WARNING] MPI_LOCALRANKID not found, set to 0"

if [ ! -n "$STEP" ]; then

OUTPUT_DIR="/path/to/output_dir/rank_${MPI_LOCALRANKID}" # we should make the rank_* directories first

# we should rearrange the input tensors if the model exporting parameters has been changed.
TOKEN_IDS=`ls ${TEST_DATA_DIR}/step${STEP}_token_ids-*`
ATTN_MASK=`ls ${TEST_DATA_DIR}/step${STEP}_attn_mask-*`
SEQSTARTS=`ls ${TEST_DATA_DIR}/step${STEP}_seqstarts-*`
KVSTARTS=`ls ${TEST_DATA_DIR}/step${STEP}_kvstarts-*`
CACHESTARTS=`ls ${TEST_DATA_DIR}/step${STEP}_cachestarts-*`
DECODING_BATCHES=`ls ${TEST_DATA_DIR}/step${STEP}_decoding_batches-*`
START_POS=`ls ${TEST_DATA_DIR}/step${STEP}_start_pos-*`
MAX_SEQLEN=`ls ${TEST_DATA_DIR}/step${STEP}_max_seqlen-*`
MAX_KVLEN=`ls ${TEST_DATA_DIR}/step${STEP}_max_kvlen-*`
KV_CAHCE=`ls ${TEST_DATA_DIR}/step${STEP}_kv_cache-*`
KV_SCALE=`ls ${TEST_DATA_DIR}/step${STEP}_kv_scale-*`


CMD="~/path/to/pplnn-build/tools/pplnn_llm --use-llm-cuda \
--onnx-model $MODEL_PATH \
--shaped-input-files $TEST_INPUTS \
--save-outputs \
--device-id $DEVICE_ID \
--save-data-dir $OUTPUT_DIR \
--in-devices $INPUT_DEVICES \
--enable-profiling \
--min-profiling-seconds 3 \
--warmup-iterations 10"


eval "$CMD"
  • Run with mpirun
mpirun -np <MP> <STEP>

The MP value for LLaMA can be found Here.

Python Support

build with -DPPLNN_ENABLE_PYTHON_API=ON (use sm80, sm86 and sm87 in this example):

cd ppl.nn.llm

and test:

PYTHONPATH=./pplnn-build/install/lib python3 tools/ --use-llm-cuda --onnx-model </path/to/model.onnx>

Benchmark LLaMA

Building a benchmark test for LLaMA model with full generation steps. The difference with previous benchmark, is that previous one benchmark with one step, while here benchmark for whole generation steps. Refer to tools/ for more detail.

~/ppl.nn.llm/pplnn-build/tools/benchmark_llama \
    --model_type $MODEL_TYPE \
    --model_dir $MODEL_DIR \
    --model_param_path $MODEL_PARAM_PATH \
    --tensor_parallel_size $TENSOR_PARALLEL_SIZE \
    --top_p $TOP_P \
    --top_k $TOP_K \
    --temperature $TEMPERATURE \
    --warmup_loops $WARMUP_LOOPS \
    --generation_len $GENERATION_LEN \
    --benchmark_loops $BENCHMARK_LOOPS \
    --input-len $INPUT_LEN \
    --batch_size $BATCH_SIZE \
    --quant-method $QUANT_METHOD

Input parameter explains:

  • model-type: basic type of model, including diffenent weight. For example, model type llama including llama-7b, llama-13b, llama-30b and llama-65b. For other llm model, we will support soon.

  • model_dir: path to the model.

  • model_param_path: path to model params.

  • tensor_parallel_size: size of tensor parallel. For llama_7b, the value is 1.

  • top_p: select enough tokens to "cover" a certain amount of probability defined by the parameter p (refer to Token selection strategies: Top-K, Top-p, and Temperature for more detail). The value range from 0~1.

  • top_k: select the first top k tokens to create new distribution (refer to Token selection strategies: Top-K, Top-p, and Temperature for more detail). This value does not matter on current version.

  • temperature: Temperature affects how “random” the model’s output is (refer to Token selection strategies: Top-K, Top-p, and Temperature for more detail).

  • warmup_loops: loops to warm up GPU for accurate performance.

  • generation_len: length of generated tokens.

  • benchmark_loops: benchmark loops.

  • input_len: length of input tokens, default is zero.

  • input_file: file of input tokens, not use if input_len is non-zero.

  • batch_size: batch size.

  • quant_method: only accept two value: {none, online_i8i8}. none means not quantize, and online_i8i8 (also called w8a8) means weight and tensor are both quantized with int8.

Notice: we found that nsys profiler do not trace cuda kernel statisic in nccl multi-thread communication mode. If you want to profile with nsys, pleace compile with PPLNN_CUDA_ENABLE_NCCL=OFF, and it could only trace the performance in one card model.



A100 40G(FP16, INT8 KV Cache)

Tested under base clock in 12/2023

Model Batch TP Input Length Output Length Throughput (out tok/s)
LLaMA 7B 1 1 8 256 85.5
LLaMA 7B 256 1 8 256 8933.3
LLaMA 7B 1 1 1024 1024 82.4
LLaMA 7B 32 1 1024 1024 1247.9
LLaMA 13B 1 2 8 256 76.1
LLaMA 13B 384 2 8 256 8393.0
LLaMA 13B 1 2 1024 1024 73.8
LLaMA 13B 32 2 1024 1024 1199.7
LLaMA 70B 1 8 8 256 42.5
LLaMA 70B 1024 8 8 256 6872.7
LLaMA 70B 1 8 1024 1024 41.3
LLaMA 70B 128 8 1024 1024 1930.7


Refer to ppl.pmx for how to export onnx models. Refer to APIs in documents of ppl.nn.


This project is distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:C++ 96.2%Language:Python 2.4%Language:CMake 1.2%Language:Shell 0.3%