AGeorgy / img2sky

:waxing_crescent_moon: A vertex-color mesh builder tool for skyboxes and static geometry, as seen in HomeWorld 2 .HOD files

Repository from Github https://github.comAGeorgy/img2skyRepository from Github https://github.comAGeorgy/img2sky

img2sky 🌒

  • img2sky is a vertex-color mesh builder tool for skyboxes, as seen in HomeWorld 2 .HOD files.
  • img2sky reads texture files and outputs portable vertex-color plane/sphere meshes, that can be later reexported/transformed/quantized/binarized as desired.
  • img2sky creates meshes that are more vertex dense on bright areas and less dense in obscure areas, according to human eye perception.
  • That said, resulting vertex-color meshes are good as a background of your skybox. Once rendered, you are supposed to top it with shiny billboards, submeshes, stars, galaxies, nebulas, suns, clouds, zeppelins and flying cows.


v0.0.3 (win32 pre-built binary)

Usage and options

~/prj/img2sky> img2sky
img2sky.exe: img2sky 0.0.3 (RELEASE). Compiled on May 28 2015 -

    img2sky [options] input.img [...]
        -q,--quality float       Quality for vertex density [0..100] (lowest..highest) (default: 50.00)
        -v,--vertices integer    Specify maximum number of vertices [4..N] (default: disabled)
        -p,--plane               Create plane mesh of given (default geometry)
        -s,--sphere float        Create sphere mesh of given float radius (default: 10.00)
        -h,--hemisphere float    Create hemisphere mesh of given float radius (default: 10.00)
        -c,--curve float         Create a curved plane, displacement along z can be specified next (default: 10.00)
        -f,--fast                Disable triangle stripification (default: slow)

    img2sky reads .bmp, .dds, .gif, .hdr, .jpg, .pic, .pkm, .png, .psd, .pvr, .svg, .tga, .webp, .pnm, .pug texture files.
    img2sky writes .ply mesh files.

Quality and number of vertices should be mutually exclusive options. You can specify both at same time, but does not make much sense at all.
And if you are the expensive/smooth meshes guy kind, then use larger textures, increase quality and/or number of vertices.

~/prj/img2sky> img2sky --quality 12.5 images/*.webp --curve 30.0
[ OK ] image.webp -> image.webp.curve.ply (error-threshold: 4.15888) (curve-displacement: 30) (max-error: 4.13793) (vertices: 1656) (tris: 3292) (102 KiB)

Sample showcase

input preview
512x256 texture
4 KiB .webp (q=90)
output preview
5338 verts, 10633 faces
308 KiB .ply
8935 verts, 17804 faces
517 KiB .ply
30055 verts, 59910 faces
1870 KiB .ply
5399 verts, 10633 faces
393 KiB .ply
9055 verts, 17804 faces
660 KiB .ply
30228 verts, 59910 faces
2280 KiB .ply


  • echo windows && cl src\*.c* /Feimg2sky.exe /Ox /Oy /DNDEBUG /MT /EHsc /link setargv.obj
  • echo others && gcc -o img2sky src/*.c* -O2



  • v0.0.3 (2015/05/28)
    • Options for plane and custom curved planes and hemispheres (@perfectforwarding)
    • Bugfixed vertically flipped geometries
  • v0.0.2 (2015/03/27)
    • Customizable radius sphere
  • v0.0.1 (2015/03/26)
    • Initial revision




:waxing_crescent_moon: A vertex-color mesh builder tool for skyboxes and static geometry, as seen in HomeWorld 2 .HOD files

License:The Unlicense


Language:C 53.6%Language:C++ 46.4%