AEFitzGerald / manifesto

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DAOs in the haus!



DAOhaus is a platform built by the people, for the people. At its core, DAOhaus looks to empower anyone adding value to the DAOhaus ecosystem, regardless of their social status or previous accolades.

The core ethos of DAOhaus is to create a truly self-sustainable protocol with integrity at heart. Community should always be prioritized over capital.

The drive to create a truly open ecosystem is one which will take form with time. At inception, DAOhaus will establish the DAOhaus DAO - the governing entity responsible for allocating funding for DAOhaus development and distributing HAUS tokens to contributors.

The DAOhaus DAO is the core vehicle for all fundraising, token distributions, and governance decisions.

The DAOhaus DAO is built off the following principles:

  • Freedom of Choice - Enter and exit as your please.
  • Freedom of Work - Collaboration is encouraged and necessary.
  • Freedom of Power - No one person or persons own the DAOhaus DAO. Those with the most “influence” are those who are adding the most value.
  • Freedom of Access - Anyone adding value should receive DAO shares.
  • Freedom of Pay - Anyone holding DAO shares may submit a funding proposal.
  • Freedom of Opinion - Not all opinions will be unanimous. We encourage people to speak up and challenge any initiative or proposal which goes against the core ethos of DAOhaus.

HAUS Mentality

HAUS represents community support for DAOhaus.

Your contributions will support the development of DAOhaus. You can Rage-quit a proportional share of your remaining DAI contribution at any time. Once the DAI contributed to the HausDAO is spent, when you Rage-quit you'll receive HAUS tokens proportional to the amount of your capital which has been drawn down. HAUS tokens do not entitle you to anything. Owning HAUS does not mean that you are entitled to DAO shares. DAO shares can only be earned through continued value-added actions. At this time, HAUS is just a representation of your contributions to DAOhaus. Thank you for contributing to the DAOhaus community and helping us build the future of DAOs!

Building the Ownership Economy

DAOhaus looks to curate a community in which product is prioritized over profit. Any and all revenue sent to HausDAO should be allocated to initiatives that support the community. If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together.

While pioneered by a small team, the key contributors to DAOhaus are always meant to evolve. If successful, the DAOhaus DAO members of 5 years will look exponentially different from the DAOhaus DAO members of today.

We have laid a foundation for future communities to thrive. This manifesto will be updated in accordance to the sentiment of that community.

To join the conversation, visit the DAOhaus Discord and help us build the future of distributed work!

Embark Bootstrap Campaign

The role of the bootstrap campaign is to build and support DAOhaus and its community.

This is a tentative plan of action, however, it is subject to change at any time.


The Summoning phase is when the HausDAO will be created.

HausDAO Summoning Parameters

  • Deposit token: DAI.
  • Deposit sponsor price: 20 DAI.
  • Processing Reward price: 5 DAI.
  • Period duration: 2 hour period (7200 seconds).
  • Voting duration: 3 days (36 periods).
  • Grace duration: 4 days - (48 periods).

These parameters are required by an MolochV2 and their terminology is set by the Moloch codebase.

HAUS allocations

We are minting the total HAUS supply in the summoning phase and no more HAUS will ever be minted.

  • 5% of HAUS tokens will be distributed into a vesting contract. These tokens will be unlocked when the bootstraping phase is completed (all funds donated for the bootstraping phase are spent) or 1 year after the summoning of the DAO.
  • 5-10% of HAUS will be earmarked for bootsrapping contributors. As the DAO shareholders create funding proposals to bootstrap the DAOhaus platform, HAUS will be tributed into the HausDAO proportionally to the funds being allocated. Once all the funds are allocated the HAUS earmarked for bootstrapping contributors will be in the HausDAO at which point contributors can rage-quit their loot (or be rage-kicked) to redeem their proportional share of HAUS in the HausDAO GuildBank.
  • 1% of HAUS is reserved as a user rebate. This will reward users on the HausDAO platform.
  • 84-89% of HAUS will be held by the HausDAO Minion to be allocated in the future according to the HausDAO community.


Core contributors will receive one DAO share to ratify this document. In doing so, core contributors are making an oath to uphold the core values of the DAO.


  • Db 0xCED608Aa29bB92185D9b6340Adcbfa263DAe075b
  • Vg 0xd26a3f686d43f2a62ba9eae2ff77e9f516d945b9
  • Sk 0x83ab8e31df35aa3281d630529c6f4bf5ac7f7abf
  • Cp 0x5b93ff82faaf241c15997ea3975419dddd8362c5
  • Jw 0x6dc43be93a8b5fd37dc16f24872babc6da5e5e3e

Manifestation Phase

During the Manifestation phase:

  • Only member proposals will be made.
  • Contributors can contribute DAI in exchange for Loot (non-voting shares).
  • The Loot purchase rate is fixed for all parties at a rate of 2 DAI for 1 Loot.
  • Shares will be distributed to contributors.
  • HAUS tokens will be created and given to the HausDAO Minion.

HausDAO share allocation

  • 90% Loot (non-voting tokens with a proportional claim on the GuildBank).
  • 10% Shares (voting tokens with a proportional claim on the GuildBank).


The Fabrication phase is when we start work on DAOhaus platform improvements.


Transmutation is a contract that enables and enforces the process for HausDAO funding proposals.

  • Funding proposals against the GuildBank tokens can only be made through the Transmutation contract to ensure the correct amount of HAUS tokens are added to the GuildBank in exchange.
  • Funding proposals can only be made from the Transmutation vault.
  • Funding proposals cannot be more than 25% of the initial GuildBank holdings per month.


Devotion is the building phase when contributors can earn DAI and Shares for contributing to DAOhaus.

  • Contributors have the option to purchase more DAO shares based on work done (at 10% ratio of funds spent).
  • This event happens on an ongoing basis as DAO funds are spent by contributors.
  • Contributors can purchase more DAO shares by creating a proposal to deposit 10% of funds paid for work back into the DAO and requesting shares at the rate of 2 DAI per share.

Example: if you earn 1000 DAI from contributing to DAOhaus you can then submit a DAO proposal to spend 100 DAI to buy 50 Shares.

We will reward and prioritize the following contributions (in descending order):

  • Contributors in hardcore sprint modes.
  • Ownership over outcomes.
  • Leading and driving areas of the project.
  • High priority tasks and missions.
  • Normal contributions.
  • Casual contributions.


Denouement is the end of the build phase and the end of the campaign.

  • When all primary funds have been spent the bootstrap round is finished.
  • At this point, all contributor purchases will be paused.
  • Loot holders will be asked to rage-quit to redeem their proportional amount of HAUS tokens from the GuildBank.
  • GuildKick proposals will be used to remove any remaining LOOT holders, giving them their HAUS but preventing them from continuing to contribute to DAOhaus.
  • HAUS locked up in the vesting contract will be distributed (see Summoning Phase for more details).
  • Contributors who were not GuildKicked, did not rage-quit Shares and/or Loot to then make unauthorized trades on secondary markets, and/or did not acquire Shares and/or Loot from an unauthorized trade will be given the option to engage in the future growth and development of DAOhaus.

Rage Quitting

  • At any time any contributor can rage-quit to receive a proportional share of the GuildBank assets.
  • Rage-quiters should not put HAUS on a secondary market. Doing so will invalidate your ability to continue contributing to HausDAO.
  • If adverse immaterial events require that a contributor sell their Shares or Loot they can submit a proposal to sell them to another HausDAO Member or another address approved by HausDAO members. This would require two proposals: one to rage-quit current Shares and/or Loot and one to mint new Shares and/or Loot for a current contributor. This would require two HausDAO votes to approve.
  • Contributors can execute governance via Rage-quit to remove their donations at any time if they are not satisfied with the direction of HausDAO.
    • Contributors should Rage-quit if contributors are not completing the initiatives described in funding proposals.
    • Contributors should Rage-quit if a funding proposal is sponsored and approved outside of the scope of valid funding proposals (see Fabrication phase for details).
    • Contributor should Rage-quit if a proposal is made to move HAUS tokens from HAUS bank outside of Transmutation.

While there are no guaranteed outcomes for HausDAO contributors, the balances of power aim to incentivize all parties involved to execute on the HausDAO mission and goals.

  • Loot holders exercise governance via Rage-quit (can be a portion of shares to send a signal).
  • Share holders exercise governance via funding proposals (cannot be more than 25% of GuildBank per month).

DAOhaus Disclaimer

By joining or contributing to DAOhaus/HausDAO you agree to the following terms:

Experimental Project - Use at your Own Risk

DAOhaus/HausDAO is an experimental project. Any or all code associated with DAOhaus, HausDAO, and associated token or governance smart contracts may be unaudited and as such are not guaranteed to function as promised.

User shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless DAOhaus/HausDAO against any third party claim, suit, or proceeding arising out of or related to the use of DAOhaus/HausDAO software.

DAOhaus tries to provide the best services we are able, but we cannot guarantee that things will always run as we had intended it to. Use of DAOhaus and HausDAO is “as is” and “as available”, without any warranty of any kind. Your use of DAOHaus, HausDAO, and the HAUS token is solely at your own risk. No advice or information, oral or written, that you obtain from the use of our services shall constitute any warranty.

Dispute Resolution

If you no longer wish to support DAOhaus, you may Rage-quit at any time. Once you Rage-quit, you will receive an amount of DAI proportional to your remaining contribution plus HAUS tokens for any portion of your original contribution that has been spent by the DAO at the time of your Rage-quit. By joining HausDAO you agree that Rage-quitting shall be the only recourse available to you should you have any dispute with HausDAO or the members of HausDAO.

DAOhaus Intellectual Property

The DAOhaus name and logo are protected by copyright, database, registered and unregistered trademark, patent and other intellectual property laws. You may not use any of DAOhaus or HausDAO trademarks, logos, domain names or other distinctive brand features without prior authorization. Please email us if you would like to use any of the above

All of the DAOhaus code and GitHub repositories are licensed under the MIT license, which can be found here:

Terms of Service

By engaging with the HausDAO you agree to the Terms of Service in this doc.

Ratification and Amendments

This document will be ratified by the HausDAO and pinned to IPFS. Minor changes may be made on GitHub in the DAOhaus manifesto repo. Major changes will require a HausDAO proposal where a new version of this document is pinned to IPFS and linked to in the DAO proposal and the DAO then approves that proposal to ratify it as the latest version of this document.


  • HausDAO: - The DAO that is managing the Embark Bootstrapping Campaign.
  • DAOhaus: - The software platform that the HausDAO is contributing to which can be found at
  • HAUS - A token that represents contributions to the DAOhaus platform.
  • DAI - A token which can be found here.
  • HAUSbank - A bank of HAUS tokens in a contract outside of the HausDAO (aka not in the GuildBank).
  • GuildBank - The HausDAO token vault.
  • Minion - A contract that allows the HausDAO to call external contracts (such as Transmutation).
  • Transmutation - A contract that encodes and enforces an exchange of GuildBank tokens (in this case DAI) for tokens in the Transmutation contract (in this cause HAUS). Minion can submit a proposal to the HausDAO to initiate a Transmutation exchange.
  • Contributor - Anyone who contributes time, capital, or labor to the development of DAOhaus.
  • Loot - Non-voting shares with a proportional claim on the GuildBank.
  • Shares - Voting shares with a proportional claim on the GuildBank.
  • Rage-quit - A function that Loot or Share holders can call to burn their Loot or Shares in exchange for a proportional amount of the whitelisted tokens in the HausDAO GuildBank.
  • Rage-kick - A function that Share holders can call to burn the Loot or Shares of another in exchange for giving them a proportional amount of the whitelisted tokens in the HausDAO GuildBank.

Related Code

HausDAO Diagram

HausDAO will utilize the following contracts for it's construction:

  • Moloch V2 - A DAO with non-transferable rights that's optimized for grants and investments.
  • Minion - A smart account that is controlled by Moloch votes.
  • Transmutation - A Minion extension that allows for the trustless exchange of an external (revenue) token for GuildBank assets (WXDAI). This allows members to pool funds in a DAO, rage-quit capital that isn't committed/drawn-down, but also receive rage-quittable tokens when capital is drawn down. This creates a win/win where members either get their cash back or a claim on an external token in exchange for their cash.
  • Vesting - Locks tokens and releases them based on a time delay and/or DAO vote.

The HausDAO will be a Moloch V2. The Moloch V2 code is audited and battle tested. The HausDAO Moloch V2 GuildBank will hold the donations from contributors.

The Minion, Transmutation, and Vesting contracts are not audited. Minion is only responsible for calling the Transmutation contract. Transmutation is responsible for holding the HAUS tokens and submitting proposals to the Moloch V2. The Vesting contract will only hold HAUS tokens.

If the Minion, Transmutation, and/or Vesting contracts are compromised the tokens in the HausDAO GuildBank will not be affected. Share and Loot holders will still be able to rage-quit to redeem a proportional share of the GuildBank. In the event that a contract is compromised we can redeploy the HAUS tokens and award everyone their due amount. The only GuildBank tokens that might be at risk would be those that the Minion is requesting in a single proposal.

DAOhaus Splash
