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LimitOrder Smart Contract


Solidity 0.8.15

License Identifier

SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED


The LimitOrder smart contract provides functionality for placing limit orders within a decentralized exchange environment. It is specifically designed to work with the Uniswap V4 protocol, facilitating the execution of trades at predetermined prices, thus offering users a more traditional trading experience on a decentralized platform.

Please follow these steps, if you all ready have Foundry setup ignore steps 1 and 2

Step 1: Install Rust

Step 2: Install Foundry

Step 3: Build Please run the command below to build your contracts forge build If you get a stack to deep error try running the command below forge build --via-ir

Step 4: Test Please run the command below to test your contracts, the given tests are examples please generate your own. forge test

Key Components

  • LimitOrder State: Manages the state of limit orders and oversees their lifecycle.
  • Order Submission: Enables users to submit limit orders with a specific price and duration.
  • Order Execution: Handles the execution of orders when the market price matches the limit order price.

Contract Features

  • Price Tracking: Monitors the market price to trigger the execution of limit orders.
  • Order Management: Provides functions for creating, updating, and canceling limit orders.
  • Order Queue: Organizes orders in a priority queue based on prices and timestamps.

Libraries and Interfaces

  • Leverages Uniswap V4-core libraries for price calculations and state management.
  • Integrates with Uniswap V4 oracles for accurate, decentralized price feeds.


  • OrderPlaced: Logs the details when a new limit order is placed.
  • OrderExecuted: Logs the details when a limit order is executed.
  • OrderCancelled: Logs the details when a limit order is cancelled.


  • onlyOwner: Restricts certain functions to be called by the contract owner only.


  • placeOrder: Allows a user to place a new limit order.
  • cancelOrder: Enables a user to cancel an existing limit order.
  • executeOrder: Executed by the contract when a market price meets a limit order price.


  • Throws errors for conditions such as invalid order prices, insufficient balances, and unauthorized cancellations.

Usage Notes

  • Users must understand the mechanics of limit orders and the associated risks.
  • Interacting with the contract typically requires a user interface that supports limit order functionality.


  • To be deployed on an Ethereum-compatible blockchain with access to Uniswap V4 pools.
  • Requires linking to a specific pool and setting appropriate permissions.

Hooks Section

Within the Uniswap V4 Hooks library, the LimitOrder contract leverages the following hooks where the flags are set to true in the getHooksCalls function:

Hook Calls Detail

  • afterInitialize: Engaged after the pool is initialized, allowing the LimitOrder contract to perform setup actions post-initialization.
  • afterSwap: Engaged after a swap has occurred, enabling the LimitOrder contract to check for any limit orders that can be executed based on the new market price.



Language:Solidity 99.9%Language:Makefile 0.0%Language:Nix 0.0%Language:Just 0.0%