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Hedge Smart Contract


Providing a hedging mechanism on the Ethereum blockchain. When certain price triggers are hit, the contract either performs a hedge by swapping tokens or unwinds the hedge. The contract integrates with the Uniswap V4 core and leverages the BaseHook mechanism for after-swap activities.

Please follow these steps, if you all ready have Foundry setup ignore steps 1 and 2

Step 1: Install Rust

Step 2: Install Foundry

Step 3: Build Please run the command below to build your contracts forge build If you get a stack to deep error try running the command below forge build --via-ir

Step 4: Test Please run the command below to test your contracts, the given tests are examples please generate your own. forge test


  1. BaseHook Integration: Inherits from the BaseHook contract to interface with Uniswap V4 core functionality.

  2. Price Triggers: Users can set price triggers which, when breached, will initiate a hedge or unwind the hedge based on conditions.

  3. Binary Search Algorithm: Implements a binary search method to efficiently determine the index to insert a new price trigger.

  4. Swap Mechanism: Utilizes the Uniswap V4 pool to swap tokens based on set triggers.

  5. SafeERC20: Uses the SafeERC20 library from OpenZeppelin to ensure safe operations with ERC20 tokens.


  • Trigger: Contains details about the hedging trigger, including the price, unwind conditions, and associated token details.


Public Functions

  • setTrigger: Allows users to set a price trigger with specified conditions.

Internal Functions

  • _findIndex: Implements a binary search algorithm to find the index for inserting a price in an ordered array.
  • _performHedge: Executes the hedge based on the given triggers.
  • _performUnwind: Unwinds the hedge based on the given triggers.

External Functions

  • lockAcquiredUnwind: Unwinds the hedge by swapping back the tokens when called.
  • lockAcquiredHedge: Initiates the hedge by swapping tokens when called.


  • afterSwap: Executed after a swap on the Uniswap V4 pool. It checks price conditions and decides whether to hedge or unwind.


The contract imports and interacts with various other contracts and libraries, such as:

  • Uniswap V4 Core: For core functionalities related to pools, swaps, and liquidity.
  • OpenZeppelin: For standard interfaces (IERC20) and utility libraries (SafeERC20).


  1. Setting Triggers: Users can define their hedging triggers by calling the setTrigger function.
  2. Trading: The main functionality revolves around the afterSwap function. After a token swap in the associated Uniswap V4 pool, the function checks if any hedge or unwind conditions are met and acts accordingly.


  • Users need to be aware of the hedging conditions they set and the implications of those conditions.
  • The hedging mechanism relies on the price of the token in the Uniswap V4 pool.



Language:Solidity 99.9%Language:Makefile 0.0%Language:Nix 0.0%Language:Just 0.0%