AE-0h / FairTrade

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

FairTrade Smart Contract


Designed to facilitate a fair trading mechanism on the Ethereum blockchain. The contract integrates with the Uniswap V4 core and provides a set of functions to control the behavior of trading and liquidity provision.

Please follow these steps, if you all ready have Foundry setup ignore steps 1 and 2

Step 1: Install Rust

Step 2: Install Foundry

Step 3: Build Please run the command below to build your contracts forge build If you get a stack to deep error try running the command below forge build --via-ir

Step 4: Test Please run the command below to test your contracts, the given tests are examples please generate your own. forge test


  1. BaseHook Integration: The contract inherits from the BaseHook contract, which provides certain base functionalities to be used with Uniswap V4.

  2. Time Lock: The contract implements a time-lock mechanism which restricts the owner and funders from certain activities for a year from the contract's creation.

  3. Token Creation: The contract has provisions to create a new ERC20 token (FairTradeERC20) on launch.

  4. Liquidity Provision: Allows for liquidity to be added to a Uniswap V4 pool with ETH and the created token.

  5. Swap and Position Modification Controls: Provides controls on swaps and position modifications to ensure fair practices.

  6. Funding Mechanism: Users can deposit ETH to fund the token. Funders are restricted from trading until the unlock time.

  7. Ownership Transfer: Allows for the transfer of contract ownership with certain restrictions.



Initializes the contract with pool manager details and token attributes (name, symbol, and decimals).


  • beforeInitialize: Mints tokens to funders before pool initialization.
  • afterInitialize: Adds liquidity to the pool after its initialization.
  • beforeModifyPosition: Ensures the owner cannot modify liquidity positions before the unlock time.
  • beforeSwap: Ensures funders cannot trade before the unlock time.

Public Functions

  • depositEth: Allows users to deposit ETH for funding.
  • quit: Allows a funder to quit and withdraw their ETH if the token hasn't launched yet.
  • transferOwnership: Transfers the ownership of the contract.
  • launch: Launches the token and initializes the pool.

Private Functions

  • _mintTokensToFunders: Mints tokens to the funders.
  • _initializePool: Initializes the Uniswap V4 pool with the created token.
  • _addLiquidityToPool: Adds liquidity to the Uniswap V4 pool.

External Functions

  • handleSwap: Handles the logic for swapping tokens.
  • handleModifyPosition: Manages the modification of liquidity positions.


The contract can receive ETH directly.


The contract imports and utilizes various other contracts and libraries, such as:

  • Uniswap V4 Core: For core functionalities related to pools, ticks, and liquidity.
  • Ownable: To manage ownership of the contract.
  • FairTradeERC20: The ERC20 token that will be used with this contract.
  • PoolModifyPositionTest & PoolSwapTest: Test contracts for position modifications and swaps.


  1. Initialization: Deploy the contract with the desired token attributes.
  2. Funding: Users can deposit ETH to fund the token.
  3. Launch: The owner can launch the token and initialize the Uniswap V4 pool.
  4. Trading: Users can trade with restrictions based on the time-lock mechanism.
  5. Liquidity: Liquidity can be added or modified with certain restrictions.


  • Ensure you're familiar with the time-lock mechanism before interacting with the contract.
  • Always check the contract's functions and understand their implications before calling them.



Language:Solidity 99.9%Language:Makefile 0.0%Language:Nix 0.0%Language:Just 0.0%