9ssi7 / age

The Gopher Friendly Apache Age Driver for Golang

Home Page:https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/9ssi7/age

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Age Go Driver

Go Reference Go Report Card Apache License

A high-performance and easy-to-use Go driver for Apache AGE. This driver is written entirely in Go without any Java dependencies and utilizes an ANTLR4-based query parser.


  • Java-Free: Written purely in Go, eliminating external dependencies.
  • ANTLR4 Integration: Accurately and efficiently parses Apache AGE's Cypher-like query language.
  • Type-Safe Mapping: Easily map database objects (vertices, edges) to Go structs.
  • Transaction Support: Provides transaction management with ACID guarantees.
  • Simple and Intuitive API: Offers a user-friendly and straightforward API for rapid development.


go get -u github.com/9ssi7/age

Running Tests

To run the tests, you'll need a running Apache AGE instance. You can easily spin one up using Docker:

docker run \
--name age  \
-p 5455:5432 \
-e POSTGRES_USER=postgres \
-e POSTGRES_DB=postgres \
-d \


If you want to see some examples of how to use the driver, check out the samples repository.


package main

import (


// ... (Person and WorksWith structs) ...

func main() {
    // ... (connection settings) ...

    ag := age.New(age.Config{
        GraphName: graphName,
        Dsn:       dsn,
    ok, err := ag.Prepare()

    // ... (query and data processing examples) ...


  • Creating Vertices:
_, err = tx.Exec(0, "CREATE (n:Person {name: '%s', age: %d})", "Alice", 30)
  • Creating Edges:
_, err = tx.Exec(0, "MATCH (a:Person), (b:Person) WHERE a.name = 'Alice' AND b.name = 'Bob' CREATE (a)-[:KNOWS]->(b)")
  • Querying and Processing Data:
cursor, err := tx.Exec(1, "MATCH (n:Person) RETURN n")

for cursor.Next() {
    entities, _ := cursor.GetRow()
    vertex := entities[0].(*age.Vertex)

    // Mapping age.Vertex to Person struct
    person := &Person{}
    mapper.Unmarshal(vertex, person) // Or use ParseStruct for more control

    // age.ParseStruct(entities[0], person) // Alternative method


Using ParseStruct

// Assuming entities[0] is a Vertex
person := &Person{}
err := age.ParseStruct(entities[0], person)
if err != nil {
    // Handle error


Contributions are welcome via pull requests. Bug fixes, new features, and improvements are always appreciated. Please read CONTRIBUTING.md before contributing.


Apache License 2.0


The Gopher Friendly Apache Age Driver for Golang


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 94.7%Language:ANTLR 5.3%