9ary / wank.party

File hosting site

Home Page:https://wank.party

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Private file hosting for you and your friends.

I run a private instance of wank.party at wank.party. Registrations are closed.

Here are the setup instructions to run it on your own infrastructure:

Running the site

Quick overview:

  1. Install dependencies
  2. Set up dependencies
  3. Clone the repository
  4. Configure the site
  5. Compile static assets
  6. Set up SQL
  7. Deployment

Install the dependencies

You'll need these things (Arch packages in parenthesis, some from AUR):

  • Python 3 (python)
  • PostgreSQL (postgresql)
  • scss (ruby-sass)
  • Flask (python-flask)
  • SQLAlchemy (python-sqlalchemy)
  • Flask-Login (python-flask-login)
  • psycopg2 (python-psycopg2)
  • bcrypt (python-bcrypt)
  • redis (python-redis)
  • pystache (python-pystache)
  • qrcode (python-qrcode)

pythonPackages for Nix:

bcrypt cffi flask flask_login itsdangerous
jinja2 markupsafe psycopg2 pycparser pystache
requests six sqlalchemy werkzeug wheel redis

Use the packages your OS provides, or build them from source.

Set up services

I'll leave you to set up PostgreSQL however you please. Prepare a connection string that looks like this when you're done:


We need to be able to create/alter/insert/update/delete in the database you give it.

Clone the repository

Find a place you want the code to live.

$ git clone git://github.com/9ary/wank.party.git
$ cd wank.party

Configure the site

$ cp alembic.ini.example alembic.ini
$ cp config.ini.example config.ini

Edit config.ini and alembic.ini to your liking.

Compile static assets

$ make

Run this again whenever you pull the code.


What you do from here depends on your site-specific configuration. If you just want to run the site for development, you can source the virtualenv and run

python app.py

To run it in production, you probably want to use uWSGI.

When running in a production enviornment, run python app.py at least once and then read the SQL stuff below before you let it go for good.

wsgi-disable-file-wrapper = true is required in your INI file to properly use the QR code API.

nginx configuration is available in nginx/, modify it to suit your environment. nginx is required to run wank.party properly.

Becoming an admin

You can become an admin like so:

$ cd /path/to/wank.party/
$ source bin/activate
$ python
>>> from srht.database import db
>>> from srht.objects import User
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> u = User.query.filter(User.username == "your username").first()
>>> u.approved = True # approve yourself
>>> u.approvalDate = datetime.now()
>>> u.admin = True # make yourself an admin
>>> db.commit()

SQL Stuff

We use alembic for schema migrations between versions. The first time you run the application, the schema will be created. However, you need to tell alembic about it. Run the application at least once, then:

$ cd /path/to/wank.party/
$ source bin/activate
$ python
>>> from alembic.config import Config
>>> from alembic import command
>>> alembic_cfg = Config("alembic.ini")
>>> command.stamp(alembic_cfg, "head")
>>> exit()

Congrats, you've got a schema in place. Run alembic upgrade head after pulling the code to update your schema to the latest version. Do this before you restart the site.


You can customize the appearance of the site with template overrides. Create a directory called overrides and copy templates from the templates directory into overrides. Modify them as you see fit, they will be used instead of the version from templates.


File hosting site


License:MIT License


Language:Python 57.6%Language:HTML 28.2%Language:JavaScript 6.4%Language:Shell 3.9%Language:SCSS 1.9%Language:Makefile 1.5%Language:Mako 0.5%