95ulisse / ftp-diff-deployer

Incrementally push differences to your FTP server.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Incrementally push differences to your FTP server.

ftp-diff-deployer is a tiny library written in CoffeeScript that uploads only the files you've changed to your FTP server. Before uploading your files, it compares the actual files with the snapshot of the last upload: this means that the first time it's run, it will upload everything, but the subsequent times it will upload only what you've changed.

It's perfect to be run as a Grunt task (if that's your case, it's worth checking out grunt-ftp-diff-deployer) or as a post-receive hook in a git repo. These are just some examples, but you can use it any way you want!


ftp-diff-deployer is available on npm, so you just need to issue from the root of your project:

npm install ftp-diff-deployer

Remember not to forget the --save option if you want to store the dependency on ftp-diff-deployer in your package.json!

Sample usage

var DiffDeployer = require('ftp-diff-deployer');

var deployer = new DiffDeployer({
	host: 'ftp.example.com',
	auth: {
		username: 'foo',
		password: 'bar'
	src: 'www',
	dest: '/',
	memory: 'ftp-diff-deployer-memory-file.json'

deployer.deploy(function (err) {
	if (err) {
		console.error('Something went wrong!');
	} else {
		console.log('Everything went fine!');

First of all, we istantiate a DiffDeployer, passing an object containing the needed information.

host is the name of the FTP server to connect to. The credentials for the server are stored in the auth object. If you need to use anonymous authentication, pass an empty username/password pair, like so:

	host: 'ftp.anonymous.example.com',
	auth: { username: '', password: '' }

The src parameter is the path to the local folder containing the files to upload. The dest parameter, instead, is the path to the remote folder (on the server) where the files will be uploaded. Following the example, this means that the contents of the www folder will be uploaded to the root of the FTP server.

The memory parameter is the path to where the memory file containing the snapshot of your files will be created. This file is very important because it contains the state of your files at the moment of your last upload, that will be used to compute the difference.

After the DiffDeployer object is created, call the deploy method, passing a callback that will be called when the upload has finished. If an error occurred, the callback will be called with the error object, otherwise, err will be null, like the normal node-style callbacks.

There are are the basics that should help you get started. If you want to know more, feel free to go on!

Full option list

	host: 'ftp.example.com',
	port: 21,
	auth: {
		username: '',
		password: ''
	src: 'www',
	dest: '/',
	exclude: [],
	memory: 'memory.json',
	diff: 'simple',
	reporter: 'simple',
	retry: 3

The foundamental options have been covered in the previous paragraph. Here we deal with the other advanced options that ftp-diff-deploy supports.

  • port: Port of the server to connect to. Defaults to 21.
  • exclude: Array of files to exclude from the diff. This option may be useful to exclude some annoying files like the Thumbs.db that Windows creates. Each item in the array is a pattern that is matched using the minimatch library.
exclude: [
	'[Tt]humbs.db', //Exclude that annoying Thumbs.db file
	'specialFolder/**/*.js' //Exclude all the javascript files inside the 'specialFolder' directory
  • diff: Diff method to use. At the moment, the only supported method is simple (which is also the default).
  • reporter: Reporter to use. The possible reporters are:
    • simple (Default): Just a log of what's happening.
    • null: Suppresses any output.
  • retry: Number of attempts to try before declaring failure (defaults to 3).


Tu run the tests, issue from the root of the project:

grunt test

The tests are written with mocha and should.js.

Special notes

ftp-diff-deployer is based on jsftp, which handles all the core FTP comunication. A big thank you to the guys behind the project!


ftp-diff-deployer is released under the MIT license.


Incrementally push differences to your FTP server.


Language:CoffeeScript 98.3%Language:JavaScript 1.7%