944613709 / Lab-Online-Deployment-Algorithms-for-Microservice-Systems

Online Deployment Algorithms for Microservice Systems with Complex Dependencies

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Algorithm for deploying services in a group due to the given cost for best average response time.

How to run

  1. install python3
  2. pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  3. prepare your data. change the parameters in the main function of main.py

Data structure for input and output

Follow the comments in the main function of main.py to organize your data in files

Functions 对应的func_obj

  "index": 0,    # index in given function list
  "svcIndex": 0, # index of the service
  "input": 0,    # input data size
  "output": 0    # output data size

Function chains 对应的chains

A dict describes the service dependencies

  ${caller function index}: {
    ${called function index}: 3.2,    # each function may depend on many other functions with call coefficient

Ability Constraints

A dict describes how many requests of each function should be solved considering call coefficients between functions

  ${function index}: 0,

User requirements 对应的users

  ${server index}: {
    ${function index}: 0,

Services 对应svc_objs

  "index": 0,    # index in given service list
  "res": {
  	"cpu": 0,
  	"ram": 0
  "ability": 0,  # throughput with given resource
  "id": id       # unique service id. Not necessary in the algorithm

Servers 对应node_objs

  "index": 0,    # index in given node list
  "res": {
    "cpu": 0,
    "ram": 0

Server Connections 对应connections

  ${fromIndex}: {
    ${toIndex}: {
      "delay": 0,
      "bandwidth": 0

Price 对应prices

  'cpu': 0.0,
  'ram': 0.0,
  'max': 0.0



  "svcList": [services],
  "funList": [functions],
  "funChains": chains,
  "nodeList": [servers],
  "connections": [connections],
  "users": user requirements,
  "abilityConstraints": ability constraints


Online Deployment Algorithms for Microservice Systems with Complex Dependencies


Language:Python 100.0%