91juhwang / URL-Shortner

URL shortner for your eyes!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


URL Shortner for your eyes!

This application will help you manage URLs that are just too long.

Usage & Install

  • Clone the repository
  • Run bundle install then rails s
  • Run cp env.sample .env then change environment variables accordingly.
  • Run rails data_populator If you would like to auto populate the database via task script.
  • or just visit this link to see the working application.

Requirements && Features

Core Features:

  • Any user is able to generate a short URL.
  • Shorten url takes the user back to the original address.
  • URL that is already in the database will return the existing record.
  • User is able to see the top 100 board with the most frequently accessed URLs.

Extra Features:

  • Signed up user is able to generate a short URL and see top 30 recent creations.
  • User is able to keep track of their records due to the has_many through association between Url, User, and UserUrl.
  • A bot or rake task script that auto populates the database.


Key/Value : ID/URL:

In order to keep track of the original and the shorten URL, the database stores the full string of the original URL. Records are easily trackable and quickly accessbile via the primary key(ID) that is encrypted in base_36 string.

Shortest Possible Length:

In order to achieve this requirement, the base_36 string conversion of the primary key was used.

The requirement was the shortest possible length, and the base_64 conversion would have been more suitable to reach this goal. However, base64 contains the mix of upper and lower cases along with some special characters, and the trade off for shortening the URL did not seem to weight more than the lost of the user experiences.

Ex.1) the lower and uppercase will make it difficult for a person to read out loud for someone else.

Ex.2) Looks much cleaner when all aphabets are in same consistent form.

Finally, Ruby's core library already provides simple and quick conversion method(to_s(36)), which there was no point to invent the wheel again.

While Ruby's base_36 is nice, below code and explanation was added to demonstrate and represent the method of making shorter URLs than base_36.


BASE_62_VALUES = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
def encode_base(num, base = 62)
  return BASE_62_VALUES[0] if num == 0
  result = ''
  while num > 0
    remainder = num % base
    num = (num / base).floor

The above code translates a number into the base_62 format. If more characters such as -, _ etc. were added, it would be very possible to easily create different based strings.

  1. The first BASE_62_VALUES defines the characters that will be used. (Total of 62 chars)
  2. If the input number is equal to 0, return 0
  3. Set the initial '' string that will be the end result.
  4. Divide the input num by base and record the remainder. (Used the modulo for this)
  5. Use that remainder as an index of the BASE_62_VALUES and add to the result string
  6. Change the num value to the quotient of num / base

The fundamental behind the above method is to figure out how many of the 62 fits inside the key number.

In order to convert a number 12233,

  1. 12233 / 62 = 197, remainder is 19'

  2. 197 / 62 = 3, remainder is 11

  3. 3 / 62 = 0, remainder is 3


(3*62^2) + (11*62^1) + (19*62^0) = 12233

Which equals to dlt in Base62 conversion.


def decode_base(value, base = 62)
  base_10_num = 0
  power = 0
  value.reverse.each_char do |char|
    num = BASE_62_VALUES.index(char)
    base_10_num += num * (base ** power)
    power += 1
  1. Set the initial power and base_10_num
  2. Find the index of the character of the value.reverse
  3. Multiply the number found in the BASE_62_VALUES by the base ** power.

0 + (19 * 62^0) --> letter is t 19 + (11 * 62^1) --> letter is l 197 + (3 * 62^2) --> letter is d

With the above method, one is able to be flexible about which base system to use.

Handling Duplicate URLs:

Instead of inserting a new record for an already existing URL, the matching URL will be searched to return the data. The database column was indexed for faster queries.

Various Format of URL Detection:

There are multiple ways to write a same URL in terms of the end user.

  1. www.james-hwang.com
  2. https://www.james-hwang.com
  3. james-hwang.com

All of the above redirects a user to the same website. In order to detect the same URL, a regular expressions was used to resolve this issue.

  # Regex Used to detect and substitue URL
  /\Ahttp(s)?:\/\//.match(text) ? text : text.gsub(/\A(http(s)?:\/\/)?(www\.)?(.*)/,"http\\2://www.\\4")


  1. \A matches the pattern in the beginning of the string.
  2. /\Ahttp(s)?:\/\//.match(text) checks for http or https in the string.
  3. If it matches, it will return text, else will .gsub/\A(http(s)?:\/\/)?(www\.)?(.*)/,"http\\2://www.\\4")
  4. The first part of the .gsub(), \A(http(s)?:\/\/) will again check if there is http// or https//
  5. The next part after the ? mark will check for www.
  6. The next part after the second ? will match any characters.
  7. Step 4,5,6 will be replaced by the \2\, http or https depending on the second paranethesis detection. The last part will be replaced by \4\, which is any characters after .

URL Scraping Bot (Data Populator)

The repository also contains a simple Ruby script that gathers URLs and auto populates the database.

rake task, named data_populator.rake was used to populate the database.

  • Run $rails data_populator to populate your database.

The script runs in the below logic.

  1. Crawl and retrieve all the links in https://moz.com/top500/pages, which lists top 500 websites and domains.
  2. For each of those URL, check to make sure each URL returns the correct status code.
  3. If the URL exists and does not return 4xx errors, it will find_or_create_by a new Url record.
  4. It will rescue and will not populate bad URLs or URLs that take more than 10 seconds to check.


91juhwang@gmail.com Portfolio

Thank You!


URL shortner for your eyes!


Language:Ruby 70.1%Language:HTML 26.0%Language:CSS 2.1%Language:JavaScript 1.8%