91juhwang / Linux-Notes

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Linux Notes

Notes and practices to prepare for various Linux certificates like LPI Linux Essentials, LPIC 101 and Redhat RHCSA exam

Introductory of Linux (LPI Linux Essentials)

Completed Topics:

Network Protocols - mostly use ports to transfer data.

Common Network Ports (Connections for Clients)

  • Port 22 - SSH (Open SSH)

  • Port 23 - Telnet (telnetd)

  • Port 25 - SMTP (Sendmail)

  • Port 53 - DNS (Bind, named)

  • Port 67 - BOOTP (dnsmasq, dhcpd)

  • port 80 - HTTP (Apache)

  • Port 443 - HTTPS (Apache)

Software Development Models

  • Cathedral Model (Organized, people will see the code once it's released)

  • The Bazaar Model (less organized, and relies heavily on developers' contributions)

Each package contains of

  • Dependency Information
  • Version Information
  • Architecture Information
  • Binary packages are packages that have an executable from source

Two common package systems are usually used today.

  • RPM (Redhat)
  • Debian

Debian based package manager uses apt

RPM based package manager = yum

RPM BASED COMMANDS!! Yum is tied to repos as RPM is tied to packages

  • rpm -ihv - install and shows the progress in verbose mode (i,h,v)
  • nano-2.2.6-1.x86_64 - package_name-version-buildNumber.architecture
  • rpm -qi nano - displays the detail information about the package
  • rpm -e nano - Remove rpm package
  • yum search apache2 - search package in the yum package manager (apache2 is httpd.x86_64)
  • yum check-update package name - Check for updates
  • yum deplist httpd.x86_64 - list dependecies

Useful Commands

  • ls -p - -p flag indicates they are folders.
  • ls -R - Displays the contents inside a directory
  • halt - Shuts down the Linux operating system when super user or root user
  • reboot - Shutdown & Reboot
  • init 0 - Just like Shutdown (halt)
  • init 6 - Just like Reboot
  • su - switch user
  • top - lists all the application and processes
  • netstat - shows the statuses of the network and much more details
  • route - view a routing table and manipulate routing tables
  • ifconfig - net configurations, can also modify configuration settings
  • ip addr - shows ip addresses (only in newer version of Linux)
  • uname - turns information about Linux
    • -s - displays the Linux kernel's name
    • -n - displays the host name
    • -r - displays the Linux release number
    • -v - displays ther version number
    • -m - displays the hardware architecture
    • -p - displays the processor type
    • -i - displays the hardware platform
    • -o - displays the OS


  • ls ??.txt - find two letters.txt files
  • ls *.txt - find all files that ends with .txt
  • ls [F]*.txt - search for all txt files that starts with capital F
  • ls f[igh][lae]e*.txt - first letter is f, second character consist of igh, third character with [lae], fourth letter of e.

Obviously, don't use wildcards in the file name!


man -k network - search anything related to network

Linux File Systems

  • bin - consists of executable files
  • boot - boot related files
  • dev - various hardware files
  • etc - text based configuration files and services running
  • lib - code library for files in the bin/
  • mnt - external drives
  • proc - Does not exist in our file system, sudo file system that is dynamically created when accessed.


  • grep -in james ./txt2.txt
  • find . -type f - can work with directories as well, -type d
  • find . -type f | grep file - find and pipe out the current directory and grep a file that includes file
  • cut -d" " -f3 file2.txt | cut -c2 - cut delimeter by space of the field 3 of file2.txt then pipe out and cut column 2
  • wc -w file2.txt | cut -d" " -f1 - only display the counted word, and not the file name

Input Output Redirection

  • tail /var/log/messages 1> logtemp.txt - redirecting the output of /var/log/messages to a new file called logtemp.txt. Output is redirected by using >
  • cat wrong_file.txt 2> error.txt - Redirect the stdError output to the error.txt. This copies the error message to the error.txt, whereas 1> redirects the correct stdInput to the new file.
  • ps >> runningproccess.txt - APPEND the output ps command to the runningproccess.txt file.
    • 1 > will replace or create a file, whereas 2 >> will append it to the file.

To log the information, we typically do below command to separate the stdinput and stderror

  • mount 1> mountfile.txt 2> mounterror.txt - Add correct output to mountfile, if error occurs, logs it to mounterrortxt

  • sort < words.txt - the less than sign, < will input. In this case, the contents in the words.txt file will be inputted to the sort command


  • [asd] - matches any in the bracket
  • ^music - matches the beggining of a file that starts with this word
  • music$ - matches end of the file
  • . - any character
  • grep ^.b abc.txt - anything that begins with somethingb
  • grep ^...$ abc.txt - grep anything that starts and end with only 3 characters ...
  • ls file* - will return anything that starts with file. file1, file2, file3 blahblah
  • grep [ser] ./hostnames - grep files that contains any of the [ser]. Will return files with only er or r.
  • grep [^ser] ./hostnames - grep files that DOES NOT CONTAIN [ser]. Different from outside of bracket ^


  • if/else configs alt text

  • Loops

for i in `seq15`
    echo "The current number is $i"
exit 0


To master Linux!!