8l / mammon.github.com

Papers on reverse engineering and assembly language programming

Repository from Github https://github.com8l/mammon.github.comRepository from Github https://github.com8l/mammon.github.com

Repository of the various web pages released under the handle mammon_. Largely
out of date and of only historical interest.


	/gdb_init.txt	"GDB made useful"
	/Lost		Various things from various people from the 90s
	/Old		Pretty lame 'eccentrica' incarnation
	/RE		RE HQ. Whatever happened to that?
	/Text		Various papers from various people
	/apj		Assembly Programming Journal. Those were the days.
	/eccentrix	Final, 'eccentrix' incarnation
	/fortune	The infamous HCUnix fortune file
	/idc		Very, very old IDC scripts for IDA
	/objdump	"Objdump made useful"
	/share		Some fortunes, some ancient BB themes
	/sprawl		The eccentrica 'sprawl' incarnation
	/src		Old and useless examples (x86 asm and C)
	/tales		Mammon_'s Tales to his Grandson
	/x86_64		Old and out of date 'linux on x86-64' stuff

Note: Not affiliated with http://lethalfeedback.blogspot.com .


Papers on reverse engineering and assembly language programming


Language:HTML 92.7%Language:Assembly 4.0%Language:C 2.2%Language:Perl 0.5%Language:C++ 0.4%Language:JavaScript 0.1%Language:Shell 0.0%