7E2678562852987564757825 / upload-a-website-to-web3-storage

Deploy a static website to IPFS using web3.storage

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Deploy a static website to web3 storage

  1. Generate your Web3 Storage API key at https://web3.storage/

  2. Rename .example.env to .env and put your API key in it.

  3. Put your website build in the src folder

  4. Type the following commands in your terminal :

yarn start
  1. Then you will get as an output something like the following where the last line is your website URL.
Uploading 3 files
Content added with CID: bafybeichqy6nnosgi6oqr64fet3mplo5ygciuptozb3v4eixw2jwvqvinm
Find it at: https://bafybeichqy6nnosgi6oqr64fet3mplo5ygciuptozb3v4eixw2jwvqvinm.ipfs.dweb.link


Deploy a static website to IPFS using web3.storage

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 68.2%Language:HTML 30.4%Language:Shell 1.4%