718970079816800 / PythonStudy

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Something about Python study.

1.Recursive_Fibonacci.py--Two different way to acheive Fibonacci. Recursive is much slower.--Written in Python2.

2.test_0.py--Same as Recursive_Fibonacci.py.

3.tesst_1.py--A simple example of how to use easygui.

4.test_3.py--A simple example of collections in Python.--Written in Python2.

5.test_4.py--List all the ips between an ip range.--Written in Python2.

5.test_5_tk0.py--A simple example of TKinter.

6.test_6_filename.py--I don't know what's that mean. May be I was drunked. Don't try this code at home.

7.test_7_movefile.py--Move files to the parent folder.

8.test_8_readline.pu--A bad way of reading file.

9.test_9_tk1.py--Another example of TKinter which draws some shapes.

10.test_10_tk2.py--Another example of TKinter.

11.test_11_neural0.py--Neural Network??? Drunked again.

12.test_12_GoldETF.py--Using LinearRegression to predit price of Gold. NOT FINACIAL ADVICE.

13.test_13_GLD.py--Moving Average.

14.test_14_matplotlib.py--A example of matplotlib.

15.test_15_axes3d.py--A example of Axes3D.

16.test_16_countfiles.py--A way to count how many different kind of files(.mp3, .txt, .rar ......) in one dir.--Written in Python2.

17.test_17_noquote.py--Delete lines without a quote in one file and save it in another file.

18.test_18_userpass.txt--Given a path, move all the user:password txt to a specified dir. You know what's that mean.--Python2.

19.test_19_mvsemicolon.py--Move files which start line with a semicolon in a dir.

20.test_20_mergexlsx.py--Merge all .xlsx files in the current dir into Merge.csv.--Python3




Language:Python 100.0%