71 / async-if

Proof-of-concept generic async functions in Rust.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An experimental Rust library for generic async functions.


This library is a proof-of-concept I made out of curiosity. Its items are documented and it has some amount of tests, but the following points need additional work:

  1. Safety: the crate uses unsafe in several positions. Most notably, pin projections used internally may be incorrect.

  2. Trait bounds: none of the traits and types (un)implements Sync and Send. This may be unnecessarily restrictive or, in the worst case, unsafe.

  3. Testing: more testing is needed, notably to figure out if inference of A in AsyncIf<A> in macro-generated code is correct (and not too restrictive).


Demonstrating the #[async_if] attribute:

pub struct Std;
pub struct Tokio;

pub trait Sleep {
    type A: IsAsync;

    async fn sleep(duration: Duration);

impl Sleep for Std {
    type A = Synchronous;

    async fn sleep(duration: Duration) { std::thread::sleep(duration) }

impl Sleep for Tokio {
    type A = Asynchronous;

    async fn sleep(duration: Duration) { from_future(tokio::time::sleep(duration)).await }


Support for recursion with no allocations for Synchronous futures:

#[async_if(A, alloc_with = bump)]
async fn factorial<A: IsAsync>(bump: &bumpalo::Bump, n: u8) -> u64 {
    if n == 0 { 1 } else { n as u64 * factorial::<A>(bump, n - 1).await }

let bump = bumpalo::Bump::new();  // Bumpalo support requires the `bumpalo` feature.
assert_eq!(factorial::<Synchronous>(&bump, 5).get(), 120);
assert_eq!(bump.allocated_bytes(), 0);

assert_eq!(factorial::<Asynchronous>(&bump, 5).await, 120);
assert_ne!(bump.allocated_bytes(), 0);

The choose() helper to mix synchronous and asynchronous APIs:

async fn sleep<A: IsAsync>(duration: std::time::Duration) {
    choose::<A, _>(
        move || std::thread::sleep(duration),
        move || Box::pin(tokio::time::sleep(duration)),

Using std, async-std or tokio dynamically:

use async_std_if::{Std, Time, Tokio};

<Std as Time>::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)).get();    // Synchronous!
<Tokio as Time>::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)).await;  // Asynchronous!


Proof-of-concept generic async functions in Rust.

License:ISC License


Language:Rust 100.0%