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Guide to automating google form submissions

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Google Form Spamming

Guide to automating Google form submissions.

Automated Setup

The automated.py script scrapes forms and automates the setup/submission process for you.

If this doesn't work try the manual method.

(Requires Python 3.10 as well as BeautifulSoup and Requests)

Manual Setup Method

1. Fill out the form.

2. Select CTRL + SHIFT + I to open devtools

This is the same place you'd go to for Inspect Element. Locate and select the Network panel.

3. Submit the form.

You should see several entries appear in the Network panel. Select the one that says formResponse. This should open up a new menu on the side.

On Chrome, this might look a little bit different:

4. In the side menu, copy the url under the Headers tab

This should be the first thing you see after opening the formResponse entry.

On Chrome:

5. Under the Request/Payload tab, copy the entries that correspond to your form submission.

On Firefox the tab is called "request", while on chrome it's called "payload."

6. Fill this information into your script.

URL is the url copied from the headers tab

DATA is a dictionary of the payload/request info.

You can change the values to whatever you want as long as the form permits it.

Python example:

import requests

URL = 'https://docs.google.com/forms/....../formResponse'
DATA = {
    'entry.1251875408':'Answer 1', # Answer for Question 1
    'entry.1304624064':'python text entry' # Answer for Question 2

res = requests.post(URL, DATA)
print(res.status_code, res.reason)

NodeJS example using the the Request library:

const request = require('request');

const URL = 'https://docs.google.com/forms/....../formResponse';
const DATA = {
    'entry.1251875408':'Answer 1', // Answer for Question 1
    'entry.1304624064':'javascript text entry' // Answer for Question 2

}, function (error, res) {
    if (error) console.error(error)
    else console.log(res.statusCode, res.statusMessage)

7. Run

Status Code Examples

  • 200 Submission went through. Great success!
  • 400 Bad request. You might've forgotten a required question, or submitted a multiple choice option that doesn't exist.
  • 404 Not found. Your form doesn't exist. Maybe you copied the url wrong.
  • 405 Method not allowed. Probably messed something up, definitely a skill issue.
  • 429 Rate limited. You're trolling too hard.


Guide to automating google form submissions


Language:Python 81.1%Language:JavaScript 18.9%