5j54d93 / Wordle-Like-iOS-Game

An iOS Game designed with SwiftUI!Player could change word length、word topic、grid color, and a new WORDLE will be available each 5 minutes.

Home Page:https://medium.com/@5j54d93/wordle-like-ios-game-c3857c068bb4

Repository from Github https://github.com5j54d93/Wordle-Like-iOS-GameRepository from Github https://github.com5j54d93/Wordle-Like-iOS-Game

Wordle Like iOS Game

Swift GitHub license GitHub Repo stars GitHub repo size Platform

Wordle Like iOS Game designed with SwiftUI that could:

  • change word length、word topic、grid color
  • store score in @AppStorage
  • share Wordle record by UIPasteboard.general.string
  • a new WORDLE will be available each 5 minutes

iOS:iPhone 13 Pro Max

How To Play

  1. Simply click on the green「Code」button on top right
  2. click「Open with Xcode」
  3. Having fun to play this Wordle like iOS game!

if nothing happen:

  • Download this repository via git clone
git clone https://github.com/5j54d93/Wordle-Like-iOS-Game


This package is MIT licensed.


An iOS Game designed with SwiftUI!Player could change word length、word topic、grid color, and a new WORDLE will be available each 5 minutes.


License:MIT License


Language:Swift 100.0%