5idu / dice

An extremely simple Golang-based in-memory KV store that speaks the Redis dialect.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Dice 🎲 is an extremely simple Golang-based in-memory KV store that speaks the Redis dialect.

This is not production ready

Why should you care?

Building a database from scratch has its own thrill, and you can leverage this to

  • build a database from scratch
  • learn database internals, starting with Redis
  • learn about advanced data structures, algorithms, and event loops
  • collaborate with other engineers and continute back to Open Source

Setting up

To run DiceDB locally, you will need

  1. Golang
  2. Linux based environment
$ git clone https://github.com/dicedb/dice
$ cd dice
$ go run main.go

Dice in action

Because Dice speaks Redis' dialect, you can connect to it with any Redis Client and the simplest way it to use a Redis CLI. Programmatically, depending on the language you prefer, you can use your favourite Redis library to connect.

Getting Started

To get started with building and contributing to DiceDB, please refer to the issues created in this repository.

The story

DiceDB started as a re-implementation of Redis in Golang and the idea was to - build a DB from scratch and understand the micro-nuances that comes with its implementation. The database does not aim to replace Redis, instead it will fit in and optimize itself for multi-core computations running on a single-threaded event loop.

How to contribute

The Code Contribution Guidelines are published at CONTRIBUTING.md; please read them before you start making any changes. This would allow us to have a consistent standard of coding practices and developer experience.



DiceDB is open-sourced under Apache License, Version 2.0.


An extremely simple Golang-based in-memory KV store that speaks the Redis dialect.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 100.0%