594270461 / com.unity.xr.arfoundation

[Mirrored from UPM, not affiliated with Unity Technologies.] 📦 A collection of Subsystems as well as MonoBehaviours and C# utilities for working with the Subsystems. Includes: ▪ Definitions of Subsystems ▪ GameObject menu items for creating an AR setup ▪ MonoBehaviours that control AR session lifecycle and create GameObjects from detected, real-wor

Home Page:https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.xr.arfoundation@5.1/manual/index.html

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

AR Foundation

Use the AR Foundation package to add high-level functionality for working with augmented reality. Unity 2018.1 includes built-in multi-platform support for AR. These APIs are in the UnityEngine.XR.ARSubsystems namespace, and consist of a number of Subsystems, e.g., XRPlaneSubsystem. Several XR Subsystems comprise the low-level API for interacting with AR. The AR Foundation package wraps this low-level API into a cohesive whole and enhances it with additional utilities, such as AR session lifecycle management and the creation of GameObjects to represent detected features in the environment.


[Mirrored from UPM, not affiliated with Unity Technologies.] 📦 A collection of Subsystems as well as MonoBehaviours and C# utilities for working with the Subsystems. Includes: ▪ Definitions of Subsystems ▪ GameObject menu items for creating an AR setup ▪ MonoBehaviours that control AR session lifecycle and create GameObjects from detected, real-wor




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