549869500 / btc-2-defi-bridge

This project implements a btc-2-eth bridge using RenJS protocol and further swaps the minted $testBTC to UNI tokens to use them in any DeFi project.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The UI is quite minimal and all the TXs must be checked in console.


To bridge BTC to ETH to be used in various DeFi protocols.

Part - 1

The project created a bridge from BTC to ETH by using the RenJS protocol. A BTC Tx is made to a generated address which once confirmed popups the wallet for signing the Tx.

Screenshot 2021-10-28 at 1 39 46 PM

The $testBTC are minted upon Tx signing and are available on Kovan @ 0x0A9ADD98C076448CBcFAcf5E457DA12ddbEF4A8f. This address will be used to add the ERC20 tokens in Metamask.

Screenshot 2021-10-28 at 1 45 30 PM

Part - 2

The minted $testBTC will be swapped to Uniswap's Tokens UNI for putting them further into any DeFi project. UniswapV2Router of Uniswap's protocol V2 was used to swap one ERC20 token with another. The function definition is as follow

  function swapExactTokensForTokens(
    //amount of tokens we are sending in
    uint256 amountIn,
    //the minimum amount of tokens we want out of the trade
    uint256 amountOutMin,
    //list of token addresses we are going to trade in.  this is necessary to calculate amounts
    address[] calldata path,
    //this is the address we are going to send the output tokens to
    address to,
    //the last time that the trade is valid for
    uint256 deadline
  ) external returns (uint256[] memory amounts);

There are 2 TXs during the swap - one's to approve the smart contract to access the address' tokens and the another one is the swap itself.

Screenshot 2021-10-28 at 1 49 02 PM

The respective UNI are @ 0x1f9840a85d5aF5bf1D1762F925BDADdC4201F984 on Kovan. They must be added using this same address on Metamask.

Screenshot 2021-10-28 at 8 23 46 PM

Steps to run

The contract is already deployed on Kovan Test network @ 0x42eC57462E9ABD17F508981E41620d71E3C652F5.

  • Clone the repository.
  • Delete ./src/artifacts
  • Run yarn install in the root to install dependancies.
  • Run npx hardhat compile to get the artifacts in the ./src/artifacts folder.
  • Run yarn start to start the client server et voilà ! 🎉


This project implements a btc-2-eth bridge using RenJS protocol and further swaps the minted $testBTC to UNI tokens to use them in any DeFi project.


Language:JavaScript 63.0%Language:Solidity 21.3%Language:HTML 10.5%Language:CSS 5.2%