53seven / d3-line-chart

A simple d3 line chart plugin

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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A reimplementation of Mike's Line Chart with the plugin infrastructure of D3v4.

The goal for this package is to serve as a reference for creating reusable and versioned D3 charts that that can be distributed through npm.


If you use NPM, npm install d3-line-chart-plugin. Otherwise, download the latest release.


Its best to check out the example/index.html file for how this plugin works in practice.

Note: The example makes use of d3-svg which removes the boilerplate of creating a svg element. This library lets the example work by only using D3 plugins, and not the library as a whole.


The chart is a function that can chain several functions together and is ultimately callable by a d3_select.select-ed element.

var svg = d3_select.select('svg')
                    .attr('width', 700)
                    .attr('height', 400);

var data = [{date: new Date('2010-01-01'), frequency: 0.08}, ....];

var barChart = d3_line_chart.chart()
                  .margin({top: 20, right: 30, bottom: 30, left: 40})
                  .xValue(function(d) {
                    return d.date;
                  .yValue(function(d) {
                    return d.frequency;

svg.datum(data) // NOTE: datum not data

API Reference


Creates and returns a new chart.


Sets or returns the x value accessor for the data. Currently only Date objects will cause the chart to render correctly.


Sets or returns the y value accessor for the data.


Sets or returns the width of the chart.


Sets or returns the height of the chart.


Sets or returns the margins of the chart.

margin is a object with the format: {top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0}.

chart.x([x]), chart.y([y])

Sets or returns the x, y scales that are used to render the chart. Defaults:

x = d3_scale.scaleTime();
y = d3_scale.scaleLinear();
chart.xDomain([domain]), chart.yDomain([domain])

Sets or returns the domains to be used for the scales of the x and y axis. If these are not specified then the domains are calculated at render time in the following way:

x_domain = extent(data, xValue);
y_domain = [0, max(data, yValue)];

Returns the g element that contains all elements in the chart. This element is scaled and translated based on the margin property.

chart.xAxis(), chart.yAxis()

Returns the x or y axis objects that the chart will use for rendering. These methods are useful for altering the tick formatting and properties for the chart before it gets rendered.




A simple d3 line chart plugin

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 74.6%Language:HTML 25.4%