4sh3s / geacon_pro

跨平台重构了Cobaltstrike Beacon,适配了大部分Beacon的功能,行为对国内主流杀软免杀,支持4.1以上的版本。 A cross-platform CobaltStrike Beacon bypass anti-virus, supports 4.1+ version.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



geacon_pro is an Anti-Virus bypassing CobaltStrike Beacon written in Golang based on geacon project.

geacon_pro supports CobaltStrike version 4.1+

geacon_pro has implemented most functions of Beacon.

The currently implemented functions can pass Defender, 360 core crystal, Kaspersky (except injecting native CobaltStrike dll, you can inject featureless dll), and Huorong.

In order to avoid from monitoring of Anti-Virus, you can use garble to confuse our project.

We will continue to follow up the method of bypassing Anti-Virus and keep geacon_pro from being detected by Anti-Virus. We will also integrate the pen test tools which can bypass Anti-Virus. We hope that geacon_pro can be made into a cross-platform bypass Anti-Virus tool that is not limited to CobaltStrike native functions in the future. Discussions are welcome if you have relevant needs or ideas. your support and discussion is the driving force for us to move forward.

This project is developed by me and Z3ratu1. He has implemented a version of geacon_plus that supports CobaltStrike version 4.0. geacon_pro supports version 4.1 and above. Functions of these two projects are almost same while encapsulation is slightly different.

If you have a good solution for heap memory encryption, welcome to discuss, my implementation ideas are in the implementation details.


This project is only for learning CobaltStrike protocol. Please do not use it for any illegal purpose, and the consequences arising therefrom shall be borne by yourself.


Windows platform:

sleep, shell, upload, download, exit, cd, pwd, file_browse, ps, kill, getuid, mkdir, rm, cp, mv, run, execute, drives, powershell-import, powershell, powershell-obfuscation, powerpick, psinject, bypassuac(bypass Anti-Virus), service elevation(bypass Anti-Virus), execute-assembly, Multiple thread injection methods (you can replace the source code yourself), spawn, inject, shinject, dllinject, pipe, Various CobaltStrike native reflection dll injection (mimikatz, portscan, screenshot, keylogger, etc.), steal_token, rev2self, make_token, getprivs, runu, argue spoofing, proxy, self-delete, timestomp, unhook, etc. Supports reflectiveDll, execute-assembly, powershell, powerpick, upload and execute and other functions of cna custom plugins.

Unhook is not stable now. win8.1, winserver 2012 r2, some version of win7 can not run. You can use it by setting Unhook in config.go.

Linux, Mac platform:

sleep, shell, upload, download, exit, cd, pwd, file_browse, ps, kill, getuid, mkdir, rm, cp, mv, self-delete, timestomp, etc.

The process management and the file management support graphical interaction.


geacon_pro adapts the settings on the flow of C2profile and some settings on the host. The supported encoding algorithms are base64, base64url, mask, netbios, netbiosu. Details can be found in config.go.

4.How to use geacon_pro

There are two ways to use, you can use it flexibly according to your preferences:

The first method: Compile into exe and execute

(1) Modify the public key of CobaltStrike

Modify the RsaPublicKey in config.go (it is the public key of CobaltStrike, not the public key of https, and the extraction method can refer to the introduction of geacon.

The line of "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----" should not have any indent.

(2) Modify the address of C2

Modify the C2 address in config.go (it is the listener address. If you want to connect beacon with a http listener, you need to change sslHTTP to plainHTTP).

Domain fronting (optional): If you want to use domain fronting, you can change the C2 address to the domain name and port of the domain fronting, and then change the host of req.Header in config.go to the domain name.

(3) Adapt C2profile

Please do not set "set obfuscation" and "data_jitter" in post-ex of C2profile. Remember to add /r in config.go for multi-line append configuration。

If you want to use geacon_pro quickly, you can directly use the sample c2profile without modifying config.go.

If you want to configure it by yourself, you can modify config.go according to the specific field name in C2profile. For example, Http_post_id_crypt=[]string{"mask", "netbiosu"} in config.go corresponds to the "mask" in the "id" in "http-post" in C2profile; and netbiosu. Our main task in the next stage is to simplify the configuration process.

IMPORTANT!!! After modifying the C2profile, do not forget to sync the changes in config.go:

An example C2profile is given below, and the default config.go adapts to this C2profile:

# default sleep time is 60s
set sleeptime "3000";
set jitter "7";

https-certificate {
    set C "KZ";
    set CN "foren.zik";
    set O "NN Fern Sub";
    set OU "NN Fern";
    set ST "KZ";
    set validity "365";

# define indicators for an HTTP GET
http-get {

	set uri "/www/handle/doc";

	client {
		#header "Host" "aliyun.com";
		# base64 encode session metadata and store it in the Cookie header.
		metadata {
			prepend "SESSIONID=";
			header "Cookie";

	server {
		# server should send output with no changes
		#header "Content-Type" "application/octet-stream";
		header "Server" "nginx/1.10.3 (Ubuntu)";
    		header "Content-Type" "application/octet-stream";
        	header "Connection" "keep-alive";
        	header "Vary" "Accept";
        	header "Pragma" "public";
        	header "Expires" "0";
        	header "Cache-Control" "must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0";

		output {
			prepend "data=";
			append "%%";

# define indicators for an HTTP 
http-post {
	# Same as above, Beacon will randomly choose from this pool of URIs [if multiple URIs are provided]
	set uri "/IMXo";
	client {
		#header "Content-Type" "application/octet-stream";				

		# transmit our session identifier as /submit.php?id=[identifier]
		id {				
			prepend "user=";
			append "%%";
			header "User";

		# post our output with no real changes
		output {
			prepend "data=";
			append "%%";		

	# The server's response to our HTTP POST
	server {
		header "Server" "nginx/1.10.3 (Ubuntu)";
    		header "Content-Type" "application/octet-stream";
        	header "Connection" "keep-alive";
       	 	header "Vary" "Accept";
        	header "Pragma" "public";
        	header "Expires" "0";
        	header "Cache-Control" "must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0";

		# this will just print an empty string, meh...
		output {
			prepend "data=";
			append "%%";

post-ex {
    set spawnto_x86 "c:\\windows\\syswow64\\rundll32.exe";
    set spawnto_x64 "c:\\windows\\system32\\rundll32.exe";
    set thread_hint "ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x1000";
    set pipename "DserNamePipe##, PGMessagePipe##, MsFteWds##";
    set keylogger "SetWindowsHookEx";

(4) Compile to exe and execute

Adding -ldflags "-H windowsgui -s -w" when compiling binary can reduce the program size and hide the cmd window. When compiling for linux and mac, adding -ldflags "-s -w" can reduce the size of the program, and then run it in the background.

You can use garble to obfuscate geacon_pro.

The second method: Convert to reflective dll/shellcode to flexibly load

The first three steps are the same as the first method.

(4) Compile to reflective dll/shellcode

If you don’t want to use the exe generated, you can use this project to convert geacon_pro into shellcode and use the loader to load. If you think that the converted volume is too large(about 6.3M), you can use the downloader(stager) to load the reflective dll remotely.

you can also use this project to convert geacon_pro into reflective dll and use the loader to load. After moving the files in the geacon_pro directory to this project directory, rename the original "main" function of main.go to "OnPorcessAttach" and mark the export function, then add 'import "C"' and add the main() function, and finally use x64.bat to compile (you can customize the compilation parameters) and generate reflective dll. The example of main.go is given below:

package main

import "C"
import (

func main() {
//export OnProcessAttach
func OnProcessAttach() {
	......//The content of original main function

Custom settings

There are some custom settings in config.go:

  • Proxy: Proxy sets the function of sending packets by proxy. You can find details in Implementation Details.
  • Unhook: Unhook can be used to bypass hooking of Anti-Virus, however, it is not stable now.
  • Remark: Remark can be used to remark the machine when it connects to server, which is convenient for distinguishing different scenes. That is, if Remark="test", the name of the online machine will be set as ComputerName [test].
  • ExecuteKey: ExecuteKey can perform simple anti-sandbox. If the value is "password", geacon_pro.exe password is required for execution after setting. The sandbox or blue team members cannot execute it because they do not know the key.
  • ExecuteTime: ExecuteTime can perform simple anti-sandbox. If the current time is later than the set time, the execution will fail. Pay attention, it is UTC time zone.
  • Self-delete: Self-delete sets whether to delete itself after exiting or not.
  • HideConsole: HideConsole sets whether to hide the console or not.
  • CommandReadTime: CommandReadTime sets the interval for asynchronous real-time pushing of long commands.

5.Implementation details

click here to find more details

Loading the shellcode of Beacon through various loaders is the traditional method to bypass Anti-Virus. However, some Anti-Virus check the memory characteristics of Beacon strictly, especially Kaspersky, so it is better to rebuild one by ourselves.

The core of bypassing Anti-Virus can be reflected in three aspects:

  • There is no CobaltStrike Beacon feature.
  • Viruses written in Golang can bypass the detection of antivirus software to a certain extent.
  • Some dangerous functions which can be easily detected by antivirus software has been changed to more stealthy implementations.

Code structure


  • http: The implementation of sending the package
  • packet: The implementation of the function required for communication


  • Public key, C2 server address, https communication, timeout time, proxy and other settings
  • C2profile settings


  • AES, RSA encryption algorithm required for communication
  • Implementation of C2profile Encryption Algorithm


  • commands: The implementation of some functions under each platform
  • commands_type: The declaring of command types
  • evasion: The implementation of bypassing Anti-Virus
  • execute_assembly: The implementation of executing c# in memory under the windows platform
  • heap: The implementation of heap memory encryption under the windows platform
  • inject: The implementation of injecting your shellcode/reflective dll into the process under the windows platform
  • spoof: The implementation of spoofing under the windows platform
  • jobs: The implementation of injecting the CobaltStrike native reflection dll under the windows platform and using namedpipe to return result
  • token: The implementation of the token-related functions under the windows platform


Implement the Cross-platform encapsulation of the functions in packet, which is convenient for main.go to use


  • meta: The implementation of processing the meta information
  • sysinfo: The implementation of obtaining the information of related processes and systems under different platforms


The main function parses and executes each command, then returns results or errors

Implementation details of some functions


The shell command called golang's os/exec library directly before, and now it is changed to the implementation of the winapi CreateProcess. The only difference from run command is that the shell calls cmd and run does not.

run && execute

The difference between run and execute is that run can return the result of execution while execute does not. The underlying implementation difference is that run returns the result of execution through the pipeline while execute does not.

The implementations of shell, run, and execute call CreateProcess without stealing the token, and call CreateProcessWithTokenW after stealing the token to execute the command with the token privilege.


The implementation of the powershell-import is the same as of CobaltStrike. First, save the input powershell module, then open a port locally and put the module on it when executing the powershell command. Powershell directly requests the port to load the powershell module without landing. Without loading the powershell module on the ground, some anti-virus software can not detect malicious powershell module.


Integrating powershell-obfuscation (AMSI bypassing + ETW blocking + command obfuscation), see my [project] (https://github.com/H4de5-7/powershell-obfuscation) for details.


Integrating bypassuac(bypass Anti-Virus) and svc-exe(bypass Anti-Virus), see my project for details.


The implementation of execute-assembly is not the same as the native implementation of CobaltStrike. The main part of the content CobaltStrike's beacon receives from the server is the program of c# and the dll used to open the .net environment. The beacon of CobaltStrike first opens a process(the default is rundll32), then injects the dll used to open the environment into the process, and finally injects the c# program into this process to execute it. Considering that the steps are too complete and it is difficult to get the result of execution, we directly use this project to implement the function of execute-assembly, but we have not tested it on all versions of windows.

process injection

The implementation of shinject and dllinject all use remote injection.

reflective dll injection

CobaltStrike's beacon first opens a rundll32 process then injects reflective dll in it and execute. However, it will be detected by the 360 core crystal. I tried to use methods such as native or unhook and failed, and finally found that injecting dll into geacon_pro itself will not be detected, so I consider changing the fork&run method of CobaltStrike to the method of injecting geacon_pro itself. Since CobaltStrike inject reflective dll in the form of fork&&run, some dlls need to execute ExitProcess at the end of job.


However, if we inject geacon_pro itself, the main thread of geacon_pro will be exited, so we need to make simple modifications to the delivered dll. We replace the ExitProcess string in the dll with ExitThread+\x00.

The dll sends the result back to the server asynchronously through the pipe. The current reflective dll injection adopts the method of injecting geacon_pro itself, and we are going to make user choose the injection method through the config.go.


The part of the token currently implements steal_token, make_token, rev2self and getprivs.

the connection of server and hosts on the intranet

It is a common case that the intranet hosts need to connect to C2 server. If the edge host connects internet while the intranet hosts doesn't, geacon_pro can connect to server through the proxy of the edge host by setting the configuration in config.go. That is, if a http proxy is opened on port 8080 of the edge host, then setting ProxyOn to true in config.go and Proxy to http://ip:8080 can make the hosts on the intranet connect to our C2 server.

heap memory encryption

The implementation of heap memory encryption refers to this project. Suspend threads other than the main thread before sleep, and then traverse the heap to encrypt the heap memory. Decrypt and resume the thread after sleep. However, the implementation is relatively unstable, sometimes it will suddenly get stuck or exit directly during heap traversal, and considering that there may be persistent jobs such as keylogger or portscan in the background, it seems inappropriate to suspend all threads. If you have Good ideas about heap memory encryption, welcome to discuss. At the same time, I do not quite understand why Golang's time.Sleep function will sleep forever after other threads are suspended, but calling windows.SleepEx works fine, I hope you can answer it.


Since Golang processes string as UTF-8 by default, we decide to hardcode the communication charset between geacon_pro and CS server to UTF-8. Since Linux and macOS also use UTF-8 as default charset, we only need to convert the output of windows. Now we only convert GBK charset to UTF8, avoiding the problem of Chinese garbled.


CobaltStrike seems not implement self-delete function. We have implemented a cross-platform self-delete function. Under the windows platform, it is not allowed to delete itself when the process has not exited. Commonly used methods include using bat and using remote thread injection. The disadvantage of remote thread injection is mentioned before that it is easy to be detected by Anti-Virus. Thus, we use CreateProcess to create a new self-delete process and set it to execute in idle time, then the self-delete process will be executed after the geacon_pro process finished. At that time, geacon_pro can be deleted by this self-delete process. Under the Linux platform, the geacon_pro process can be deleted directly.


The implementation of parent PID spoofing and argue spoofing.


The implementation of full unhooking under the windows platform. We first refer to the evasion implementation of sliver, but we found sliver not use direct system syscall, which may be monitored by Anti-Virus. Thus, we use this [project] (https://github.com/timwhitez/Doge-Gabh ) implements full unhook with direct system syscall. However, the implementaion of ours and sliver's are both not stable now. And we will try to find method to make it stable in the future.

6.Functions need to be improved

click here to find more details
  • The bug in dllinject function.
  • Heap memory encryption is currently unstable and has not been officially used.
  • Modify the problem of Chinese display error under some functions.
  • Some functions do not support x86 system yet (I am too busy recently, and I will modify it as soon as possible).
  • Make unhook more stable in the future.

7.To do in the future

click here to find more details
  • Implement more functions.
  • Integrate the pen test tools which can bypass Anti-Virus.
  • Implement more functions under Linux and Mac.
  • Implement the function of code obfuscation.
  • Hook cobaltstrike.jar to custom flow characteristics (just like Behinder4.0)
  • Add flow obfuscation.
  • Obfuscate reflective dll in memory.
  • Simplify configuration and encrypt configuration file.



geacon_pro has joined 404Starlink


跨平台重构了Cobaltstrike Beacon,适配了大部分Beacon的功能,行为对国内主流杀软免杀,支持4.1以上的版本。 A cross-platform CobaltStrike Beacon bypass anti-virus, supports 4.1+ version.


Language:Go 97.4%Language:Java 2.6%