Adwit Mukherji (4dw1tz)


Geek Repo

Company:University of Birmingham

Location:Swindon, United Kingdom

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Adwit Mukherji's repositories


This repo contains content to decorate my profile with



This repo contains a Python script that will go through the user reviews from an app and generate insight for the app creator. This is done by categorising each review into "positive", "negative", or "neutral". The insight will contain the distribution of reviews across these 3 categories so the creator knows how well the app is doing at a glance without having to look through all the reviews themself.



This project is aiming to train an neural network to differentiate between malignant and benign tumours using pathology slide inputs from breast biopsies. This is also my EPQ project.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


This is the digital version of the classic word-guessing hangman game integrated with a GUI using both a combination of the turtle and Tkinter pre-installed frameworks of Python.



This is the classic tic-tac-toe or noughts and crosses game with a 3x3 grid.



This is a basic Python notetaking app I have built with the Tkinter GUI package. It has a login and register system and every note is stored locally in a text file which is encrypted. Notes can be created, edited and deleted. The code is simple if you know Tkinter basics and thus easy to customise your app or add new features!



This is a Python Tkinter GUI copy of the famous original code-cracking mastermind game. AIM: Try to break the AIs 4-colour code. 1) Select difficulty: Easy = 10 attempts Medium = 5 attempts Hard = 3 attempts 2) Guess 4 colours and look at the results to see how many colours you got right, wrong or right but in the wrong place. 3) Ammend your guesses based on this and try to crack the AI's code in the chosen number of attempts. HAVE FUN!



This is a game that uses a graphical user interface that simultaneously uses Tkinter and Turtle. The game involves either 2 players or 1 player and an AI that take turns to roll a dice to see who can draw a full beetle first. The beetle has 6 body parts, each corresponding to a number on the dice.
